LHS Episode #387: Compiling Software Deep Dive
Hello and welcome to the 387th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss concepts related to building software from source code. Topics include proper …
Hello and welcome to the 387th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss concepts related to building software from source code. Topics include proper …
Werner Heisenberg
Multimeter and Werner Heisenberg
Feedback Randy K7AGE Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/K7AGERay KJ4CNNDon (? Call) in WashingtonJoe NE2Z says we’re tastyNeil in Sugarland TexasArt KE5JLBLinux in the HAM ShackGuest Ron VK2DQ with the Heisenberg uncertainty principleBuzzword: Multimeter
Welcome to the 386th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our second episode of 2021. In this episode, the hosts discuss changes and additions to state QSO parties, the …
The Mystery of PL Tones and First Radio
Your First Amateur Radio
PL tonesCTCSSSub Audible ToneTone squelch67 to 257 HZHelps sensitivityPower Line noise
First radioMy First New RadioRoy Rabey Episode 590% percent of hams licensed never key a radio Most never renewTop of the line radio is over ratedLow end radios are the keyGet on the air The Humble Handy TalkieClosed systems suckUniversal Green StampsTexas Towers SuckVertex VX-150KDK-FM2030Get on the air!Add to you handy talkie a little bit at a timeYeasu 209-RH for the first year and a half20 miles on a Ringo Ranger1/2 a wattWhat about MobileIf it works on you mobile it will work on your TalkieBuilt my own mobile antennaImproviseAdd an AMP, They are cheapViva La HamfestHTX-202Consider the Humble Handy talkieVox is not HAM FriendlyDon’t over look used equipmentGet on the air! Get on the air! Get on the air!
It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …
The Christmas day Nashville Tennessee Bombing Caught on camera
The Nashville Bombing and Codeless Extra Class Operators
Sorry trying another method for recording that is not goodGreeting to Richard’s Radio AdventuresThe Christmas Day Nashville BombingChristmas Morning 2020Van broadcasting warningMinimal injuriesAT&T hub in Nashville disabledThe goal of Terrorism is to create FEAR not to rack up a body count. If there is a body count that’s just gravy for the terrorist. The Amateur Radio community ralliedARES was ready to goSocial media was nearly worthlessOnly responses on social media were on RedditA lot of good in formation the and the Idiot hobby radio operatorsI was told by one to heat up my hot pocket and get back to my Mama’s basementSome of the Emcomm events I was involved with:Moving traffic North Ridge EarthquakeMoving traffic on HF during hurricane KatrinaSpotting Lancaster TornadoSpotting Forney TX TornadoMoving traffic Oklahoma City Bombingand other eventsTechnology Fails in EmergenciesCell ServiceWireless internetAT&T Building attackedWCARES Status – Final update from AT&T on Outage Recovery https://wcares.org/2020-december-wcares-status-att-outages-etc/
You should not use RedditAsk in r/amateur Radioif anybody knew anything they gave us plenty of usable informationseveral decided that it was better to make a personal attackCodeless Extra – See Glossary for terms used on the show.Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At www.rfpodcast.info
Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website: www.rfpodcast.info
Email: kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE: mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/Kb5jbv
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Mastodon: https://mastodon.radio/invite/zcR24EHh
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Richard_KB5JBV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kb5jbv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kb5jbv/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kb5jbv/
Resonant Frequency is looking for Authors on Amateur Radio TopicsResonant Frequency is looking for Moderators in the ForumsDonations links are upBuy your stuff at Amazon via the links on the websiteWe are on TwitterList of HAM Radio operators on Twitter @ Ham TwitNew podcastsPARP JerryKD0BIK.comICQ PodcastWWW.ICQpodcast.comWorking on emailAmateur Radio CodeMarconiTelegraph RegisterFirst Trans Atlantic transmission bombed1902 signal test from poldhu1,125 milesLine of SightGlace BayTheodore Roosevelt to King Edward the VII of EnglandMore about MarconiMarconi’s People on the TitanicPatent disputesMarconi’s Political Career
Ham-Com Ham Radio Convention is Dead?
Farewell HAM-COMAmateur Radio Convention5th Largest Ham Fest in the U.S.A Letter from the HAM-Com Commiteeread about it here https://sites.google.com/hamcom.org/ham-comread the full letter from the League here http://www.richardbaileytx.info/rfpodcast/letter-concerning-the-permanent-closure-of-ham-com/I lament the loss of Ham COMWouff-Hong http://www.natradioco.com/rdey/whrsl.htmWhere will the ARRL Convention Be?the move from Arlington to PlanoWe got our rad work in PlanoARRL side was well runLets not forget the Rick N5VA the sign man of Baton Rouge https://www.thesignman.com/Never will get to sit down with those guys at CoffeeCodeless Extra ClassLack of regard for Amateur Radio by the new licenseesKilling Cancer with RFDo a little DanceGnewton look alike contest
Merry Christmas to allThanks Bill over at SolderSmokeField Gel BatteriesJerry at PARPKI6BGE BuzzwordK7AGEForumsWe need Email FeedbackSuperhetGel CellsAGM BatteriesGelled ElectrolyteSealed Lead Acid BatteryOut GassingLithium ION
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Elmering in the new millenniumAmateur Radio in the Me, Me, Me, SocietyMedia has taken overMillennialsHams are a social bunchLack of information at local ClubsKnowing the folks in your clubHelp the codeless tech’sListening to other Podcasts1971 QST ArticleRadio over the InternetSeparation of the HamsWho were your Elmer’sFather was a HAMCB BandGood Bye Arecibo Radio TelescopeNTSBPLWinlinkWhere is my ElmerDMRD-starFusionApartment LivingLast mile communicationsDiscord ServerVirtual Club MeetingsAdjusted Field day RulesLonely HAM with IssuesDivision of the HAM’sNo Basics from the Commercial and Non Commercial HAM Podcasts468/FmhzHero WorshipElmer AwardAmateur Radio is a social critter