
LHS Episode #366: The Weekender LVI

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

RFPVE 5: Problem Linking to XLX Reflectors on D-Star through a Pi-Star Hotspot

Found that i could not hold a D-Star link on XLX reflectors and had to investigate. With the Help of i was able to flash my sd card and solve the problem. There is very little information on this issue on the Internet. Thanks to Russ K5TUX at Linux in the Hamshack Podcast…

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LHS Episode #365: XLX Reflector Deep Dive

You have discovered the 365th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Due to new experiences with the D-STAR digital voice system, Russ has decided he wanted to set up …


HOW TO BREAK THE 10-WORDS-PER-MINUTE CODE BARRIERBy Richard Humphrey When this article was first published in 1974, the best Morse-Code-learning aids available to hams were the Instructograph paper-tape-based machine, phonograph records, and magnetic tapes (open-reel and cassette – I’m not aware of anything on 8-Track). Nowadays, we have software-based and standalone electronic aids, with more…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 14 Website, Videos, Blackouts, Hotspots and More

We talk about Youtube videos that are over some peoples head, Presented in to much of a rush or the presenter doesn’t make themselves clear. My little portable DMR Hotspot station (there is a video) Our Youtube Channel and the Resonant Frequency Facebook Group Homemade base for my hotspot made of MDF Trim piece Operating…

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Resonant Frequency Episode 012 Show Notes

Episode 12 Show Notes Opening theme:00:00 Intro: 00:34 Frappr map: 00:49 Hello to EA4AK, VK3NSA, KB5TJI, KG6SMX, G7TYH, KC9EZP, AB2TL, Alan, and unidentified listeners around the country and the world. Buzzword: 06:28 Radio check, or signal report, by Don, W9VE. Topic: 17:30 Field Day 2007. ham association of mesquite, tx, field day site.…

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Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 012: A visit to HAM Field Day

This episode we have another installment of Don W9VE’s Buzzword and some clips and observations from the Ham Association of Mesquite field day. We are looking for stories from other field day sites to include in the next episode of the podcast. Send them to me email at Share and Enjoy.

Resonant Frequency Video Edition

Years ago we started to do a few videos for Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast but as with the rest of the show time got in the way and we had to abandon that as well. I went over to my Youtube account recently and found two of the videos were gone I guess…

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RFPVE 004: Useful Stuff During a Blackout.

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Twitter: ww…

LHS Episode #364: The Weekender LV

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …