
LHS Episode #152: Man Smart (Woman Smarter)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! It’s time for another action filled episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. Topics for this episode include, women in technology, the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015, photo editors (of all things), databases for Linux hardware compatibility, ham radio-specific Linux distributions and much more. Thanks for spending an hour of […]

LHS Episode #151: Astronaughty

Greetings! We have a super episode for you this time around. It’s 151 Proof and packed with information on the Dayton Hamvention, NASA launches, lightweight Linux distributions that might be great in your ham shack, Android apps for amateur radio use and a whole lot more. Thanks for tuning in, and we hope you enjoy […]

LHS Episode #150: The Sesquicentennial

Well, folks, it’s hard to put a description on this episode. We talk about our usual range of topics, but there is so much more thrown in that we can’t even begin to enumerate it all. One thing that can be said, however, is that this episode was FUN. We hope you enjoy it all […]

LHS Episode #149: Coming Up Lemons

Hello again, and welcome to Episode #149 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode we tackle a number of interesting and diverse topics: Starting with Field Day and an online course on Climate Change, we move to software patent legislation, deep topics like buildroot and custom Linux images, and then to hardware reverse […]

LHS Episode #148: Alligators Are Good Eatin’

Welcome to Episode #148 of Linux in the Ham Shack! In this installment, your hosts discuss Art Bell and the radio of kooks everywhere, free newsletters, Linux terminal utilities, FreeDV, FlexRadio, loggers and a whole bunch more. Thanks for listening, and enjoy all the information we cram in your earholes.

73 de The LHS Guys


LHS Episode #147: Radio on the Fringe

Hello, LHS listeners! We are back again with another exciting installment of our show. In this episode we discuss logging, general purpose and contesting, a new single-board computer project, retro gaming, a pop-up terminal for Linux, digital voice, software defined radio and much more. Thanks for listening, and remember: Get on the air!

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LHS Episode #146: Interview with Christian Jacobs

Hello, LHS listeners! In this episode we have a very special treat in store for you all. We have a personal talk with Dr. Christian Jacobs, though I suspect he’d be upset that we labeled him doctor. He’s a Ph.D., done a great deal of work with fluid dynamics, and he also happens to be […]

Resonant Frequency Episode 053 Banging with the Baofeng and an old Desoto

Well folks here is is the product of out labors. I hope you feel it was worth waiting for. I would to love to hear your input on this episode. Go forth and spread the good news that Resonant Frequency: The amateur radio podcast is back and we look forward to many more episodes with…

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LHS Episode #145: Screaming Peanuts

Hello, friends! We’re back with another fine episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we tackle topics like digital voice, the release of the 4.0 Linux kernel, installing or running Linux from a thumb drive, and a few rants from the peanut gallery. Please enjoy, and come back in a couple weeks […]

LHS Episode #144: Amateur Radio Resources

Hello, folks! We’re happy to say that Pete has rejoined our crew for this episode of the show, and he brings with him some excellent information for all you listeners out there. We take a look at several great video and audio resources for amateur radio adventures this fortnight. On top of that, we give […]