
LHS Episode #143: Erin Go Bragh

It’s another lonely episode without Pete. We’re still not sure if he was eaten by a bear or not, but we hope he’s well wherever he might be. In the meantime, we put together what we hope is an enjoyable and informative episode with information on Yaesu System Fusion, bluetooth configuration in Linux, the LXLE […]

LHS Episode #142: GQRX and More

It’s another installment of Linux in the Ham Shack! Yes, you heard right. In this episode we lose a co-host but gain a hacking cough. At the same time, we discuss a new digital mode, a new ham radio technology for cell phones, a new interface for SDRs and a lot more new stuff. Finally, […]

LHS Episode #141: Keeping Sucrets

Hello, dear listeners. Linux in the Ham Shack is pleased to bring you Episode #141 of our program. In this episode, we talk about topics like satellite communications software for Linux, the new Raspberry Pi, The Walking Dead and making a quick, hot breakfast–among may, many other things. We hope you enjoy this program. And […]

LHS Episode #140: The Great Digression

Hello, listeners! In this fortnight’s episode, we discuss emergency communications, Hamvention, paperless FCC licenses, the Rowetel SM1000, ShinySDR, streaming Netflix on Linux and a whole bunch of other stuff. Thank you for listening, and don’t forget to donate to our Indiegogo Hamvention campaign if you can.

73 de The LHS Guys


LHS Episode #139: Daihatsu and Pretzels

This is the 139th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your co-hosts have a rollicking good time while managing to discuss some important topics. Those topics include: using breathing as Morse Code, satellite communications with a handheld radio, Linux Mint, computer security, electric cars and much more. Thanks for listening, and […]

LHS Episode #138: Being David Rowe

How about that: It’s the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for 2015! We hope everyone is having a great new year so far. In this episode, we talk with David Rowe, VK5DGR, of Adelaide, South Australia. David is an audio engineer, Ph.D. scholar, inventor of Codec2 and co-author of FreeDV, among his […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #012: A visit to HAM Field Day

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #010: Traffic Net?

Well She is finally out. Episode 10. I recorded it twice on my windows machine and it crashed at the end both times. So this episode was put together on my Linux machine. I think it sounds better. Any way here is Episode 10 with Herman KE5HYW one of our local net managers for the…

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LHS Episode #137: Bacon Wins

Greetings, salutations and happy holidays! Today your weary hosts (minus one) bring you some great information about great topics, like: Why you should avoid, why you should upgrade your WordPress installation, why you should try ElementaryOS, why the government is like a turtle, and why bacon renders your argument invalid. Be well, listen often, […]

LHS Episode #136: Introduction to FreeDV

Hello, everyone! We are back again with another fun and informative episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your hosts discuss solar flares, lots of space weather, stable and easy-to-install Linux distributions, H.R. 4969, Quentin Tarantino, dinner rolls and the amazing and fun new transmission mode for HF known as FreeDV. Don’t […]