
Get a grip radio operators

I have to ask myself sometimes “What is wrong with people.” A few days ago a fellow showed up on Twitter asking the question ” does the average HAM make a difference anymore?” Well since then some others on Twitter have ask the same question. I say yes we do. We made a difference in…

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Some thoughts on Dxing

I was listening to a conversation on the local 2 meter repeater the other day. I heard an old timer telling another HAM that he needed a beam antenna and an amplifier if he really wanted to chase DX. The flow of the conversation lead me to believe that the old timer was letting the…

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Email to Discovery News about Amateur Radio

Here is another of those self indulgent things. I listen to the Friday news feedbag as a podcast and every week it seems that one of the host makes a negative remark about amateur radio. This week I had enough so I found the email address, loaded my musket and let them have it. It…

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RFC Show Notes Episode 052

00:00 Opening Theme “Hand-Picked” by John Williams, from the album “Long Ride Home” 01:00 Introduction Due to the high volume of feedback, we’ll cover that in a future episode.  The Resonant Frequency website has been updated, and the donation counter reset, but all donations are gratefully accepted. If an episode has helped you at all,…

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WSPR2 on Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10

Written by Eddie, G3ZJO. Used with permission. Well from the talk on the WWWeb I was hoping for better things I must admit. I have been away from Linux for a time. There are things in Ham Radio still that you just can only do with Windows. I did install Ubuntu 9.04 and ran WSJT…

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You only have a 2 by 3 call You can’t know anything

You know I have a two by three call sign. It is KB5JBV. For those that have been getting it wrong for the last twenty plus years that is “Kilo Bravo Five Juliet Bravo Victor”. I have that call because it was my original novice call sign. Other reasons are that I am an advanced…

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Letter to HAM Assoc. of Mesquite about APRS

I know this is a little self serving but I think there are some good points in this information. Please stay tuned for the opinion segment at the end of this email. The idea of a  Digi on the tower is something we put to bed a long time ago. the problem with packet is…

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Tech Podcast Network Can Bite Me!

To all those at the Tech Podcast Network most especially Todd.
BITE ME !!!!!
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LHS Episode #059: Orca and Outtakes

Welcome to Episode #059 of Linux in the Ham Shack. On this edition, we talk with Jonathan Nadeau of Frostbite Systems about Linux for the sight impaired. Jonathan, being a blind Linux user, has overcome many challenges when it comes to using his favorite operating system and he shares with us the ins and outs […]

Amateur Radio & PR. by Tim Ki6BGE

love Amateur Radio for so many reasons. I grew up in a Los Angeles suburb and I had several friends that had fathers that were Hams. I loved seeing their Shacks and the antennas on their cars. This was in the 1950s and I remember seeing Collins, Drakes, Swans and Hallicrafters radios. My father was…

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