Category: Linux in the Ham Shack

LHS Episode #176: Lowering Property Values

We’re back with another episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we discuss House Resolution 1301 (again), which has finally made it’s way through that half of Congress. We also tackle a military-amateur crossover event, lunar satellites, text editors, office suites, Richard Stallman’s brain, fancy Linux distributions and a completely made up […]

LHS Episode #175: True Lies on VHS

Hurricanes, YOLO, Spanish letters, BSD, rocket science, call books, loggers, Maylasia, cult movies and more–all in this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack!
73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #174: Swedish Hamballs

Tin foil hats, the United States Air Force, the FCC, a 5 GHz kerfuffle, databases, ReactOS, Quisk, SDRs, podcast trolls and more–all in this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack.
73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #173: Chips and SOTA

Linux in the Ham Shack is back with another riveting episode all about open-source software, ham radio and fun. Topics for this fortnight include the closing of a large online ham radio equipment retailer, a new call sign database (yes, another one), SOTA, Solus, a bit of depth on the Hamradio Pure Blend and much […]

LHS Episode #172: Running on Empty

Hello, CD listeners! Sorry, channeling Tom Petty there for a moment. The latest episode of LHS is coming your way. In it, we talk about Java-based contest loggers, our Field Day experiences, lemon chicken, licensing, game emulators, Winlink, “cloud” Linux and more. Enjoy. And thanks for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew


LHS Episode #171: Montana Rancher 1.1

In Episode #171 of the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast, the hosts have a grand ol’ time discussing Field Day, the founder of Adafruit, litigation-happy Oracle, a great Linux tutorial web site, new style virtualization technologies, an innovative way to steal encryption keys, contest logging, Winlink and much more. Thank you for tuning in. […]

LHS Episode #170: Invasion of the Random Dog

It’s our post-Hamvention episode and it’s packed with great information. We start off with a look at hams in the news, special event stations for all Canadian operators, the legalities and procedures for proper third-party operation. Then we move into a comparison of Linux live update procedures and the latest news about Raspberry Pi Zero […]

LHS Episode #169: The Fukutoku Bank Robbery

Hello, listeners! We’re putting out our latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack just before Hamvention. We have great topics tonight including hams suing hams, the fight between Oracle and Google, antenna and kit building, mobile operation and so much more. Don’t forget that we WILL be at the Dayton Hamvention this year in […]

LHS Episode #168: Nerdgasm

It’s a brand new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know you’re excited. We have a shiny new co-host in this episode and we talk about a whole bunch-a stuff: 100-year-old ham, high-power amplifiers, people who make more money than we do, SDR, broadcasting software, Ubuntu, DMR and so so so so much […]

LHS Episode #167: Manky Git

Greetings and salutations. We have another fantastic episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for you this fortnight. In it, the hosts discuss World Amateur Radio Day, UFOs, the Mumblehard botnet, programming, Git, pulseaudio, QSSTV and so…much…MORE. Thanks for tuning in; and please don’t forget our Generosity Campaign. Donate if you can. We’d love to […]