Category: Linux in the Ham Shack

LHS Episode #126: We Blinded Ourselves with Science

In this episode, we get all science crazy. Lots of fun science topics to tickle the brain are in store. Along with that, we pursue the new LTS release of Ubuntu, the disappearance of Maylasia Airlines flight MH370, and some pretty cool tunes. There’s even some ham radio content thrown in, ’cause that’s how we […]

LHS Episode #125: YFKTest Lives!

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, Pete goes AWOL. While he’s out being dishonorably discharged, Harrison and Cheryl step in to fill his medium-sized shoes. We also get an interview with Bob, W9YA, current maintainer of YFKTest. He tells us all about the new and exciting world of YFKTest and how it’s […]

LHS Episode #124: Dog Boarding

Hello, folks! A couple weeks late and a dollar or two short, we’re back! In this delectable episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your intrepid hosts discuss a variety of topics from antenna safety to Linux conventions to getting your name on an asteroid. For our main discussion, we tackle a couple updates to […]

LHS Episode #123: Busted for Jaycasting

Hello, folks! It’s February 2014, and we finally announce the winner of our Raspberry Pi contest! But before all that excitement, we have a great interview with a fellow radio amateur. Around that, we have news and information about the usual suspects, and covering it all is a thick layer of fun. Thanks for tuning […]

LHS Episode #122: The Russian Woodpecker

Hey, folks. It’s time for another episode of your favorite podcast about Linux and ham radio! In this episode, your fine feathered co-hosts kind of get their act together, report on news of interest, the new version of Shackbox and a bunch of other open source-y and ham radio-y topics. Hope you’re all having a […]

LHS Episode #121: Freudian Linux

It’s the first episode of 2014, and we start the year off right: by talking about philosophy. Say what? Yep, that’s right. Trust us, it’s a lot more entertaining that it might at first sound. We have a special guest on the program, Ted (WA0EIR), who brings a through-provoking topic with him. Then we have […]

LHS Episode #120: Steaming Mad

Howdy, folks! It’s another rip-snortin’ episode of Linux in the Ham Shack comin’ atcha. In this installment, your intrepid co-hosts have discuss a couple of new Linux distributions, namely Fedora 20 and SteamOS. After that, we have a fantastic interview with the show’s good friend Jonathan Nadeau. He has a new accessibility project to make […]

LHS Episode #119: Just Keep Swimming

An action-packed episode awaits your eager ears. In Episode #119 of Linux in the Ham Shack, your intrepid hosts discuss the new Cinnamon desktop, Amazon’s desire to make deliveries by unmanned drones, WEFAX and slow-scan television. On top of that, there is information on the best light weight desktop environments for your computer, and the […]

LHS Episode #118: Making Flippy Floppy, Sol Style

Hello, friends! Episode #118 of Linux in the Ham Shack is ready for your immediate consumption. Lots of ham radio and Linux related news in this episode, including discussion of Ham Radio Now, the sun’s magnetosphere, digital contacts on 28MHz, Linux Mint, Linux news aggregation sites and more. Sit back in your easy chair, put […]

LHS Episode #117: On Point (For Once)

Hello, podcast listeners! It’s getting cold outside. Now would be a good time to curl up in your favorite chair with your media player, a warm fire and an episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. As it happens, we have a new one for you right now. Your hosts discuss some newly updated ham […]