Category: Linux in the Ham Shack

LHS Episode #116: O Savannah

This week in the heart-pounding, blood-stopping episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our intrepid hosts discuss a variety of topics from call sign look-up databases to Ubuntu, freeware collaboration suites to mobile computing, and QRP kits to hosted developer platforms. As if that were not enough, there’s music, banter, a cameo by Wil Wheaton […]

LHS Episode #115: A Mile High and Lovin’ It

Welcome, everyone, to a special installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we catch up with two fellow podcasters and friends: Rich, KD0RG, and Brady, AC0XR of the Low SWR podcast. During the course of our interview, the guys talk about Field Day, contesting, logging software, Point Linux, HamOS, their recent home […]

LHS Episode #114: Steamed Orca Tails

They’re coming fast and furious now! After a long period of not having the time or energy to edit episodes, we’re finally getting around to pushing out the backlog. In this action-packed installment, your intrepid hosts tackle gaming on Linux using the Steam platform, accessible computing, mention a site listing more than 50 places you […]

LHS Episode #113: Eye to the QScope

Yes, that’s right: It’s another brand-new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know it’s been a while since your RSS feed has been filled with the joy of our show, but we’re back and aiming to stay on track (now that Richard is safely tucked into his cardboard box again). In this action-packed […]

LHS Episode #112: Mother Fudgsicle

Hello, dear listeners! In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, we get a visit from a long-lost friend–who quickly turns out to be kryptonite and derails the show faster than you can say, “Dallas-Fort Worth.” Amongst the hilarity and reminiscing, we manage to discuss some Linux and ham radio related news, a new […]

LHS Episode #111: CrunchBang on My Mind

Hello, LHS listeners! Well, we’ve had a bit of a hiatus as I found a couple of other projects that took a lot of my time. But we’re back! The episodes have been recorded on schedule, and we’re still doing them live every other Tuesday. I’ve just had a hard time getting them edited and […]

LHS Episode #110: GIMP’n

July has been a bit of a rough month for Linux in the Ham Shack. Pete, our illustrious Canadian cohort, takes an extended break with his family during this time, leaving him little room for podcasting. That is to say, none at all. In the meantime, Russ has been dealing with a series of health […]

LHS Episode #109: Having a Field Day

Hello, dear listener! Welcome to Episode #109 of Linux in the Ham Shack. This episode is being released a bit early because there is time sensitive material included, and we wanted to make sure it was available to everyone before the ARRL Field Day weekend, June 22-23, 2013.

Also included along with our thoughts on […]

LHS Episode #108: Mumble in the Jungle

Hello and welcome to the first episode to be released on schedule in quite some time! It looks like our contest to award a Beaglebone Black to some lucky listener is going well. Make sure to get your entries in before 10:00pm Central on June 16th, either by becoming a member or completing the thought […]

LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking

This is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don’t want to miss out […]