Category: Linux in the Ham Shack

LHS Episode #076: BIG PAPA

After our quick renumbering, we come now to Episode #076. It didn’t start out as an all-feedback episode, but that’s how it wound up. The best part is, we had such good feedback from our listeners it made an entire show. As it also happens, most of our discussion revolves around digital mode communication for […]

LHS Episode #075: Cinnamon Kool-Aid & WINE

This episode we left up to the listeners because we hadn’t had enough time to prepare some content for ourselves. While waiting for some input, Richard decided to give an impromptu review of the improvements in Gnome 3 and his assessment of the technology, and where he thinks it’s going from here. You might be […]

LHS Episode #074: The Great Hobo Migration

2012 is rolling along nicely and Linux in the Ham Shack is rolling along with it, bringing you new ways to use your computer with amateur radio, and sometimes just technology for fun (and maybe profit). This time around, the guys break into politics — just slightly — and get a few grievances of their […]

LHS Episode #073: Advanced Networking Topics

Today the guys delve deep into their geek pockets and come up with a couple of fairly advanced networking topics. One is ham radio related, the other is everything related. Don’t be scared off, however, as the discussion is a 10,000-foot overview of these technologies and how they will be important in YOUR future. Russ […]

LHS Episode #072: We Need Cache

Welcome to another fine and dandy episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. The end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 have been very busy for your stalwart co-hosts, but we press on. Shows are being recorded, content is being disseminated and our listeners are being educated–sort of. We hope everyone has had a […]

LHS Episode #071: Nudge, Nudge

In Linux in the Ham Shack’s sexiest episode ever, the guys take on some sensuous applications from the Python world. Dan, KK7DS, has been writing cross-platform software for D-STAR and rig programming for some time. Richard and Russ take on a couple of his more prominent works: d-rats and chirp. On the purely Linux and […]

LHS Episode #070: The Stroke

Welcome to another installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, our mostly unprepared hosts discuss a couple of interesting topics. Yes, really, they are interesting. In the Ham Geeky™ section, Richard plows the fertile fields of contest loggers for Linux, as well as cross-platform solutions, including running your own favorites under WINE. […]

LHS Episode #069: Our CUPS Runneth Over

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our heroes manage to stay more or less on topic, which means there might be some actual content for the listeners. Hooray for small miracles. In segment one, Richard discusses his adventure at the Texoma Hamarama in Ardmore, Oklahoma. In segment two, the boys get all […]

LHS Episode #068: Hell Sheep

And finally the podcast is caught up. All the back episodes have been edited and released and now Russ is taking a break, breathing a little easier and hiding from the hell sheep. In this episode, the hosts talk about the new release of Ubuntu (formal review coming later), the KDE desktop, doing noise cancellation […]

LHS Episode #067: The Left Hand of ARES

And we are back. In this installment, Richard tells us all about his renewed interest in emergency communications and his dealings with ARES in the Texas county where he now lives. On the Linux side of things, Russ talks about some security issues: the hacking of, emacs violates the GPL and how to get […]