Category: Linux in the Ham Shack

LHS Episode #046: The TuxTel Conglomerate

Episode #044 of Linux in the Ham Shack makes its debut, and even on time. We’re still trying to catch up on a little bit of a backlog so this …

LHS Episode #045: Logbook of the World

Episode #043 of Linux in the Ham Shack almost didn’t exist. In the process of trying to edit the audio for the program, I managed to delete everything that I …

LHS Episode #044: SELFish and Far Afield

It’s time for a new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. I can hear everyone cheering in unison from here. Richard’s Internet service was down for the recording so …

LHS Episode #043: My Own Private Ohio

The Dayton Hamvention was a little while ago and we’ve just now been able to get around to talking about it. In this episode, we bring in Bill, KA9WKA, our …

LHS Episode #042: 1.21 Gigahertz Badgers

Yes, we’re running behind AGAIN. It’s the story of Linux in the Ham Shack lately. Because of that, this episode turned into an expose on our backlog of feedback. As …

LHS Episode #041: Deep Thoughts

If life would stop conspiring to halt production of Linux in the Ham Shack, everything would be just fine. Instead, because of problems in both our lives, the Dayton Hamvention …

LHS Episode #040: HF in the Mobile Shack

It’s a couple of days since the end of the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Cheryl and I would like to send out a special thank you to everyone who stopped by …

LHS Episode #039: Best. Episode. Ever.

Lately it seems like if there were an extra day in the week it still wouldn’t be enough to get everything done. That being said, Episode #037 is here and …

LHS Episode #038: XDX ‘n Stuff

The season of Linux fests is now under way. The Texas Linux Fest took place a couple of weeks ago. By all accounts, the turnout was excellent, the educational opportunities …

LHS Episode #037: Riders on the Storm

There are good things coming up in the world of GNOME and Linux in the Ham Shack has some of the scoop. In this episode we had the good fortune …