Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 7

Stories of the great Forney tornado of April 3 2012.

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 6

Putting up an antenna in a neighborhood with a home owners association.

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 5

ARES Emcomm Training concerning clear and concise communication during net operation. On the Kaufman County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Training Net. Feel free to use this one as training if you like.

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 4

Minimizing my radio room. Finding a radio path. Mobile Install in my truck.

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 3

Richard moves to Forney Texas and becomes ARES emergency coordinator for Kaufman County Texas.

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 2

This is heart felt Farewell To one of my Elmers Whit N5SU. Loved by all that knew him. What did Whit teach me. Don’t be afraid of amateur radio. The concepts, people, equipment etc. can be scary when you are newly licensed but there really not. Propagate the hobby. Teach the new guys. Elmer these…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 1

Introduction episode of RRA. Talk about ending production on Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast, The Linux In The Ham Shack Podcast, Winlink 200 Gateway. Podcasting on a Sansa Clip and other assorted Ramblings.

Resonant Frequency Episode #054 Standing Waves in DeForest

Resonant frequency Episode 54 is hot off the presses.
This time we talk a little bit about SWR and the self proclaimed Father of Radio Lee DeForest. Check out the show notes at
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Resonant Frequency Episode 053 Banging with the Baofeng and an old Desoto

Well folks here is is the product of out labors. I hope you feel it was worth waiting for. I would to love to hear your input on this episode. Go forth and spread the good news that Resonant Frequency: The amateur radio podcast is back and we look forward to many more episodes with…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #052: Mobile Install Part 2

It is time again for a new episode. This time we dispense with feedback. We have so much we will need to do a separate episode. We do continue our mobile install series this time . we talk about running you power cable. Music by the usual suspects and a cople from IODA promonet. Kirk…

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