Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Resonant Frequency classic #051: Studying to the Test.

Ok kids were in the studio but were doing one of the mobile / ramble episodes. The question was studying to the test. Memorizing the answers to the license test or studying the material. Thanks to the Tyler amateur radio club for the inspiration for th…

Resonant Frequency Classic #050: Mobile Install

Lots of feedback in this episode. We also make an announcement about the spectrum threat to the 70 cm band. We start our mobile install series and even play some music from our old buddy Brad Suck’s
Royalty-free music for professiona…

Resonant Frequency Classic #049: Linux in the Ham shack Mobile.

OK folks heres another one. This time we are in the mobile studio and we are talking about a cost effective method of pursuing Amateur Radio. Linux! Listen at the end for a track from Brad Suck’s album “Out of It”
Royalty-free m…

Resonant Frequency Classic #048: RACES, D-Rats, and Feedback Oh My. Episode 48

Ok folks this is an all feedback episode we talk about RACES, D-Star and much more. We will get on with some radio stuff in the next studio episode. enjoy. Music for this episode was provided by IODA Promonet: Kirk Fletcher “Blues for Boo Boo” (mp3) from “Shades of Blue” (DELTA GROOVE PRODUCTIONS) Buy at…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #047: Whats happening update.

We are back. We are in a state of maximum backness. This episode is to get us up to speed on the doin’s at Resonant Frequency. The next will get us caught up on feedback. Then we are off to the races.
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Resonant Frequency Classic #046: The Riff Raff that say Riff Raff.

The Itunes feed is still not working. This time we talk about one of my pet peeves. I hope nobody thinks I am one of the Riff Raff.
Music by the usual suspects
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Resonant Frequency Classic #045: Failed plans make for more feedback.

This Itunes feed is still down. Here is episode 45 of Resonant Frequency. We’re back in the studio for this episode. this is another all feedback episode I had planned some thing different but it didn’t work out. Music is provided courtesy of IODA Promonet: Magic Slim and the Teardrops “Do You Mean It” (mp3)…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #044: This is the club to be in.

We are still having trouble with the Itunes feed go to for older episodes. Here you go episode 44. We try to answer an email question concerning getting more folks into a local club.
Music by John Williams and 500 miles to Memphis

Resonant Frequency Classic #043: Repurpose that Field Day.

Another Mobile Episode, this time a couple of alternate uses for field day.
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Resonant Frequency Classic #042: Return of the Feedback Feedbag

The much anticipated and long awaited episode 42 of Resonant Frequency has arrived. This time we had so much feedback that is all we had time for but there is some good stuff in there. give it a listen. Our music is provided by IODA Promonet: Magic Slim and the Teardrops “Do You Mean It”…

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