Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Resonant Frequency Classic #041: Going Mobile. Thanks Dave.

Ok folks here we go we were down and out for a while but we are back for now spread the word. The website has moved to and please send all your feedback to Our music is provided by IODA Promonet: Mark Hummel “Funky Way” (mp3) from “Retro-Active” (Electro-Fi Records) Buy at Napster…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #040: D-Rats a late Christmas.

Well we have hit the big 40, Just like Russ K5TUX. I am sorry this is a little late. Things get a little busy around here at Christmas time. This time I discuss an on going project of mine. Setting up a D-Rats reflector and it may end up being a multi part episode. we…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #039: Feedback Feedbag

We start with a few words for the folks at Fort Hood Army Base. Then we move to a marathon feedback session. Then we move to our Belton Hamfest wrap up and Finish up with a little talk about Software Defined Radios. Music was provided by IODA Promonet: Mike Zito “Little Red Corvette” (mp3) from…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #038: Dipoles, both of them.

Dipoles, Dipoles and other fun. Here you go. i apologize for doing another best of episode but my job has really kept me jumping this month. Next time we will talk about the Belton Hamfest and other things. This is a 2 hour episode and I will get you a new show next time. Music…

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Resonant Frequency classic #037: Rapid charging cures warts.

This time we talk about wall warts Rapid chargers and rude HAMs and we listen to some Brad Sucks. A good time was had by all.
Music was provided by Magnatune

Check it out.
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Resonant Frequency Classic #036: Who died and made you conductor?

It is time again for Resonant Frequency. This time we talk a little bit about conductor size in relation to frequency. We received some really useful email and a reminder that I don’t do such a great job with show notes. We have added a fan page for the show at Facebook go by and…

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Resonant Frewuency Classic #035: Look ma’ I,m on Video

Resonant Frequency Episode 35 is out. This time we have a suprise for you. This is the audio track of our very first live Episode at Don’t forget the zero on the end or you will end up in the wrong place. We are in the process of getting a schedule in place…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #034: Why don’t my NVIS Antenna work on 10 meters

This time we ask Why doesn’t NVIS work for me on 10 meters and do I have to have my dipole in a perfect inverted vee. Feed back and Donations have come to a stand still. We need help with all aspects of the websites and Podcasts. To find out how you can help contact…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #033: Who’s repeater is it?

Resonant Frequency Episode 33 is here. This time we talk about “Who’s Repeater” a little more the article I was using can be found here and one of the common mistakes made by the HAMs that should be Elmering.
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Resonant Frequency Classic #032: I can say what I want!

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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