Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Resonant Frequency Classic #017: We’re RTTY to go.

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #016: Do I hear an Echolink?

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #015: Linux in the Ham Shack

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #014: I’m told you have a long wire!

Read a couple of emails with some really good information and a couple of tips on bnc connectors and a couple of other things. Talked for a few minutes about Icoms D-Star digital system. If you would like to contact me via D-Star the local repeater here is NT5RN and the port I monitor is…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #013: Are clubs less friendly these days?

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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RRA Episode 8: Who’s your Hero

Hot off the presses it’s episode number 8. We need donations to get our new Resonant Frequency project off the ground. Visit the website at and drop a donation in the kitty or click on the Amazon link and anything you buy at Amazon we will get a little of that for the show.…

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Resonant Frequency 2.0

Hello everybody, I am currently researching a new project. For lack of a better name right now it is being called Resonant Frequency 2.0. I am looking to my listeners to help me out with project a bit. First I am looking for some fresh intro and outro music for this project. The only criteria…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures 007 Show Notes

Introduction: Richard has been re-issuing episodes of Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast. Look for Richard’s “Basic Guide to the National Traffic System” to appear on the Resonant Frequency website. Topics: The Great Forney Tornado of 2012. On April 2, 2012, several storms brought 20 tornados to the Dallas, Texas area, from Cleburne to Greenville,…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures #007: The Great Forney Tornado

This time I rattle on aimlessly about the tornado outbreak here in Texas on April 3 2012
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Resonant Frequency Classic #001: In The Beginning

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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