Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Re-issue of the Classic Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast

Hello Kids! after due consideration I have decided to re-issue all of the episodes of Resonant Frequency so that a new group of Amateur Radio Operators can enjoy and learn from them. There will be new episodes of Richards Radio Adventure in the near future and since my time is beginning to free up more…

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Ratflector in Kaufman County Texas

Hello folks. Its me again. I am looking to work on a couple of projects out here in the radio wasteland known as Kaufman County. If you are wondering Kaufman county is the county just east of Dallas county here in Texas. The first one I would like to tackle is getting a Ratflector (D-Star…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures 006 Show Notes

Introduction: In this episode, Richard, KB5JBV, describes his funny looking plant hanger. 🙂 Topics: Having moved to a different house in a neighborhood with antenna restrictions, Richard took on the challenge of creating a low profile ham presence. He already had 50 feet of coax, an Arrow dual-band J-pole antenna, and some military surplus fiberglass…

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RRA Episode 6: Look at that funny looking plant hanger

Here we go. I spoke about my antenna challenges back when we started RRA. This is the episode where I talk about the temporary measures are implemented. This file has been in the queue for a while. I will get on an update as soon as I get a chance.

Richard’s Radio Adventures 005 Show Notes

Introduction: Richard, KB5JBV, discusses some training he prepared for emergency communications. But first, he raises the possibility of resurrecting Resonant Frequency, The Amateur Radio Podcast, with your financial support. Topics: Making yourself clear and understood on an emergency communications net. Some tips: Send your callsigns slowly and clearly. Use the ITU phonetic alphabet. Don’t yell…

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RRA Episode 5: Make Yourself Clear

This time on RRA I did a piece of training on the local ARES net and I figured I would share it with you. It is a basic introduction on making yourself clear and understood on an emcomm net. Pretty simple stuff but you would be surprised how many folks forget the simple stuff. It…

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Richard’s Radio Adventures 004 Show Notes

Introduction: Richard, KB5JBV, again recording mobile. Topics: Richard talks about minimizing his amateur radio station. It’s amazing how much radio stuff you accumulate over the years. He’ll keep his WinLink gateway going. He’s planning on installing a mobile HF station in his truck. Previously, he’s used a large magnet-mount antenna, Icom ID-800 D-Star capable radio,…

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Making yourself clear on the Radio

A few days ago I was putting together a piece of training for our local A.R.E.S. Group and it dawned on me that I should share it with everybody. So after I finished the net I took a little time to flesh out that training and what I ended up with was this article. You…

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RRA Episode 4: New Game, New Rules.

Well living in a HOA neighborhood will be challenging but not impossible.
Intro music by Magic Slim and the Teardrops.
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Richard’s Radio Adventures 003 Show Notes

Introduction: Richard, KB5JBV, recording pedestrian mobile. Topics: Richard moved house recently, and his new location appears to have very little in the way of active amateur radio clubs, ARES or RACES. His solution? He and another ham reactivated a local ARES group, and are trying to get the assistance and support of the Trinity Valley…

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