Category: Richard’s Podcasts

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 017 are you RTTY? Ask your Elmer.

They tell me I’m the Podcast Master.

Cody KE5RYK passes his license test. South Texas beware.

Buzzword this time is: Elmer

Then a sudo technical discussion about RTTY contesting and DXing

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 21 TYT MD-UV380 Solved, Message from the Chinese, Barnacles, and Perverts

MD-UV380 SolvedExcell DLLMicrosoft Office 2007 – 2013Open Office is outEmail from the ChineseGoing to divide the work between the two DMR RadiosSimplex and Duplex HotspotsFuture VideosXLX ReflectorDo not purchase the TYT MD-UV380Buy the Anytone if you don’t want issuesContact ListCPS – Computer Programming SoftwareFuture Hotspot videosThank you my faithful listeners

Strangely Enough Episode 7 (2007)

Flying Saucers are comingMare on the Moon may have waterHuman foot found on Swedish beach (Mass Severed Foot Migration)New leads on the severed feet in Canada (Mass Severed Foot Migration)UFO Group claim UFO flew near Presidents ranch and Dublin TexasA UFO has landed in West Bengal.English civil war ghost captured on film

Richard’ Radio Adventures Episode 20 Reminiscences of the old days of amateur radio podcasts, MD-UV380 Nightmare Continued, Rod and Flo Revisited

Low SWRPractical amateur radio podcastEvolution of Resonant Frequency: The Amateur radio PodcastInterviewsBarnaclesWild West PodcastingMake Amateur Radio SexyHamComLinux in the Ham ShackNew way of Amateur Radio PodcastingLow SWRSolder SmokeMD-UV380 Horror Story AgainWe do miss GnewtonTYT Nightmare WebsiteGood God Gnorman Spiked My Drink!!!

Strangely Enough Episode 6 (2007)

The mass severed foot migration continuesSchool confiscates birthday party invitations to insure against discriminationNew Mexico judges name change to an offensive termWoman in Utah gets snakes in her oxygen generatorNorth Carolina remove WTF from license platesMan sentences in California for burning the Burning ManMan leaves paper rose in Arkansas county jail because he was sorry for escapingIn Michigan man accused of stabbing mother with fork and assaulting a second woman with 10 pounds of chicken Wisconsin sculptor creates sculpture of historical painting out of 2000 pounds of cheeses.American hiker in Germany uses her sports bra to signal for help

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 016 A shocking occurrence, Part 97 and a little bit about Echolink

First episode after we had a lightning strike at the studio in Balch Springs Texas.

everything was ready to go, but a lightning strike zapped several computers and other equipment, so the work on the episode was lost. Sorry for the delay in getting this one out.

After the lightning strike, we had a death in the family, and a birth. It’s been busy!

Buzzword: We take a look at Part 97

We even have the first appearance of the full version of “Hand Picked” that is currently the intro music for Richard’s radio Adventures.

Then we have an introduction to Echolink

For more info go to

Strangely Enough Maintenance Episode Lets Bring Back The Show, We Need Input. Contact Update

Looking for input on bringing Strangely Enough Podcast. We are just about out of original episodes but due to overwelming downloads of the archived show we are considering bringing it back. If you would like to see new episodes of Strangely Enough Please contact me at one of the contacts listed below. if enough folks are interested we will go back into production of the show.

i even have enough information to do a whole episode on the Canadian mass foot migration with 13 years of new information.

Waiting to hear from my loyal listeners.

Thanks Richard

Strangely Enough Episode 5 (2007)

Woman says a her thing panties injured her eyeTraditional Chinese dishes get a linguistic makeover for the Beijing OlympicsChinese high school teacher has been fired and denounced for fleeing class room before his students during earthquakeRaining cement in MoscowA man breaking into German supermarket arrested when he goes to police station to get hand cuff removedResidents of Bucharest Hungary have elected a dead guyAn Italian man kidnaps ex-girlfriend to do his houseworkLemonade Stand OffAshland Oregon gets their G-String in a wadThe all mighty enema

Strangely Enough Episode 4 (2007)

We hate WindowsBill got his DSL cut offWe love our Linux BoxesFriday the 13th is not more unlucky than any other FridayKnights TemplarMan in Singapore gets a jail time and caning for sniffing arm pitsLeader of body parts ring apologizes in court.Pluto gets a consolation prizeSusan Atkins wants a compassionate release from prisonFrank Keys Jr. faces up to 40 years in prison after he was found cruising down the highway with more than 200 grams of heroine in the diaper he was wearingA ban on bikinis in Utah at a city pool expected to be revisedMan gets ticket for going topless in public (Criminal Nakedness)Nobody understands striking it lucky like this galOne horned deer looks like the Mystical UnicornFlying saucer in the works

Strangely Enough Episode 3 (2007)

Moving, Moving, Moving

Bill is still having issues

This is more of a update episode

Gaining listenership

These are old addresses

Please go to http://

The Taos Hum

The Taos Hum solved HERE