Category: Syndicated

LHS Episode #430: Bag of Hammers

Welcome to the 430th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this action-packed episode, the hosts discuss topics including the JARL Hamfest, AMSAT events going virtual, JOTA and JOTI, …

LHS Episode #429: The Weekender LXXVIII

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #428: Pat and Winlink Deep Dive

Welcome to the 428th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a deep dive into the Winlink radio-based e-mail system. Discussed are native applications …

RRA EP 44 Basic Propagation 2

RRA EP 44 Basic Propagation 2

IntroComing down to the restart of resonant frequencyWe need some help behind the sceneskb5jbv@gmail.comExposed to Co-Vid twiceCanton BreakdownCurrently working on a borrowed repeaterPlans are in the works for a split site repeaterAndy WY5V (Remember him?)If you can imagine it you can do it on ham radioLittle bit about the clubDonationsPaypalPatreonworking on perks for the PatreonsLinks on the websiteSend me a Dollar :)No adds for McDonaldsBasic Propagation part 2Plug in and turn on the radio, its a little more than thatHF Propagation depends on Solar activityJapan, California, FloridaIonosphereLong distance communicationIonized particlesF LayerF1F2E LayerD LayerSolar NumbersWWVWWVWWVH2.5 5 10 15 20 MhzNISTBolder Colorado WWVHawaii WWVHIf you can hear both you are going to have a good dayRichards Story Time

Go by the website

Resonant Frequency is coming

sign up to help out with the show

More to Come…

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:

LHS Episode #427: The Death of CW

Hello and welcome to the 427th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss the attrition present in CW contesting, grants for youths …

RF Podcast EP 44 Resourceful Recruiting

RF Podcast EP 44 Resourceful Recruiting

EP 44 We are still having trouble with the Itunes feed go to for older episodes.

Here you go episode 44.

We try to answer an email question concerning getting more folks into a local club.

IntroStudio 2M in the Trinity river bottoms of South DallasHello everybodyWe failed but were better nowHelp support the show No field day stories?I had to workI get a lot of questions at field daySome clubs take Field Day to seriousPosting Dayton at LHS Podcast www.lhspodcast.infoThe unsung hero here is Bill KA9WKAThe show notes up to Episode 42 are all BillWe miss ya BillTrying to get some new episodes out of the main studioWere looking to hear from some sight impaired HAMs to ask about using screen readers

Reruiting more operators for my club: Getting more Butts in the chairsA lot of operators are mad because of the codeless licenseExtra’s that never took a code testInvisble Ham’sThe longer you’ve been around the greater your responsibilityRadio Operators used to be Buddy’sEven the new Ham’s spend all their time down on HFHow do you get them to come to your clubA club is a businessYou have to offer your club member something for their moneyOperating EventsActivitiesTransmitter HuntsWeekly NetBrings you club members closer togetherAllows non club member to get to know your clubSomething like a mini Field Day at a park or somethingActively Recruiting Email CampaignSet up an information booth atHamfestsFlea MarketsIn front of WalmartA public service eventBake SalesCraft ShowsTalk up your club to everybody Ham and Non Ham always be recruitingBestStart a Testing Session (Recruit at the Test Session)Give Amateur Radio Classes (It’s easier than it seems)Get them thinking about The clubGet them talking about the clubRichard’s Story Time

How are you recruiting for your Club???

Enjoy Music by John Williams and 500 miles to Memphis Share and Enjoy:

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

LHS Episode #426: The Weekender LXXVII

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

RRA EP 42 Basic Propagation 1

RRA EP 42 Basic Propagation 1

WelcomeVisiting with the Van Zandt County ClubFirst Club net in Kaufman CountyPaypalPatreonStrangely enoughGood Bye Amazon Bite MePimpin’ the serversNo MusicFirst episode of the basic propagation seriesHelpin’ the new guys?Listen to shortwave stations to see if you can hereElectromagnetic SpectrumVisible light is an Electromagnetic waveOoh! Pretty ColorsWavelengths Coming SoonWatch the oceanSign WaveThree Basic Propagation ModesLine of SightGround WaveRichards Story TimeSky WaveSkipLonger the wave Length the lower the frequencyAntenna Launch AngleTriangle AnalogyMagnetic FieldNo Elmer Rant This TimeDisappointed after buying expensive equipmentLow Side of the Solar cycleNothing but staticWe miss you DonRichards Story TimeMan Made Noise?Don’t Swim Against The CurrentStart with a Dipole Not A G5RVHome WorkBuild a basic DipoleWhen 10 Meters opens it’s really quite (static wise)10 – 10 Internationalyou need a 10 Cat on your wallWire ad Solder buddyPatients HAM HopperWe’re Out

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

RF Podcast EP 43 Field Day Bonus

RF Podcast EP 43 Field Day Bonus


Studio 2M

Field operation


No Audible

Amazon is going away


Doing DMR now not D-STAR

Wow we were doing everything back then

No Music inserted here

Alternate uses for Field Day

Great opportunity to shop a club

great way to visit the maximum of clubs

24 hour opportunity

If you go to a field day site and get ignored get back in the car and go to the next one

Don’t waste your time with jerks

Great way to work DX and generate QSL Cards, and work for awards

Work the field day stations

you can claim a QSL card for your contact

good old contest operation

And that not all

Richards Story Time

Wrap Up

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:

LHS Episode #425: Crunch ‘n Munch

Hello and welcome to the 425th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss internal policing of the amateur radio airwaves, NASA grants …