RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers
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RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers
Welcome To our ShowAres is coming together Club is coming togetherThe vanishing wastelandPatreonTim KO4IVN Very First PatreonPaypal Link on the websiteClick an Amazon Ad on the websiteArticles and Audio on the websiteSlow Rebrand of the websiteClub updateMeeting PlacePastor MichaelBe part of the partyWe will put Articles and Audio from the listeners on the websiteLament for the Sansa ClipBe a part of the LEGENDNo Repeater for ARESBad Google CalendarGoing on a tour of the local clubs soonFAUX ELMERSElmering is falling downEnter the Faux ElmersThey sound knowledgeable but are notThey gather new guys around to stroke there egoEd KE5OAScotty was the anti EdFull of made up informationEd and Scotty go to warNTS and the Cult of ScottyEnter the Big 700Ain’t no little 700Yet another fake ElmerCluelessErroneous InformationThe new folks are dying for informationScan and pass Tech testElectronically naiveIf you are a Fake ElmerNew operators want to be the best Ham the canNeed some hate mail so I can return the favorFind real ElmersSearch diligentlyFake Elmers net to be ostracizedMost Fake Elmers cant even build a Dipole AntennaTim KD6FWDUsed to build copper pipe j-poles so new guys could get on the airKing of transmitter huntsFake Elmers sit on there ass at home in stead of helpingFind knowledgeable elmersWhy do their houses have no antennas Got a Ham hiding in the Apartment Complex hereLead the way and ElmerStay away from Fake ElmersFake Elmer are the same guys that tell unbelievable stories to everyone else seeking attentionAggressive Search out ElmersVet your ElmersWhen you here them giving bad information to others tell them it is BullshitWrap upSend me a DollarPreach the Gospel of Amateur Radio
Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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