RRA EP 34 Important Context
Richards Radio Adventures Episode 34 Important Context
In this episode we focus a little bit on some feedback we have received. The bulk of this episode has to do with a piece of feedback we received about Episode 33 where the listener totally missed the context of the episode.
Welcome everybodyRaining in TexasCo-Vid VaccinesMask are coming offGoat DNAFeedbackLooking for folks to help with the showsGnorman, Foo Dog and GaneshaLadies to do some voice over for the showGO TO THE WEBSITE CONTACT USFeedback Chris W5CTL New MexicoFeedback Tim KO4IVNDonation Tim KO4IVNFeedback #3 Mike N5RLR
Main topic rebuttle to feedback #3
Part 97Not grasping the contextWe add more ContextRichards Radio ExperienceSome Emcomm operations I was in involved withMike had a bad expereince with a RACES orgination
Richards Story Time
I have no expectationsPeople forget who’s show it iswrite the FCC at FCC.GOV Taking care of family out weighs Amateur Radio
Richards Story Time
If you are are not an ass during an Emcomm operation you will not end up in jail.
Richards Story Time
Government TechAmateur Radio Operators as backupEvery Type of Ham?
Mike, please have a tissue.
Find more Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.
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