Category: Syndicated

RRA EP 32 Brutal Volume

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RRA EP 32 Brutal Volume

Intro by KB5JBV who seems to have a weather fetishSkywarnContact usDiscord Server, Check the contact listOh, almost forgot FacebookLet us know who is listeningWe are listener drivenThis time we talk about excessive volume due to microphone gain and other issuesCB Radio, Commercial Radio and Batman walkie talkiesTalking louder the Mic works on AM or SSBon FM not so muchClicks and P-PopsYelling at the radio on FM is FutileFlat Topping?Out of the passbandThe Passband FilterFlat Topping is similar to clipping in AudioDigital RadioAudio to Digital to AudioScreaming at the radioHandheld bouncing on the deskCliff W5PIX (internet superstar)People tend to speak louder in high noise environmentsMic Gain is KingMonitor yourselfMic gain (Volume) in the menuEcho, Parrot and the other oneBleeding earsHAM radio practice has slippedMissing operators you used to talk to? could be your too loudTo quiet is just as badGet to know your radioCome by the website and visitFor the love of god find the Mic gain

Find more Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

LHS Episode #399: OpenRTX Deep Dive

Welcome to the 399th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts sit down with 75% of the creators and developers of OpenRTX: Niccolo, IU2KIN, Federico, …

LHS Episode #398: Radioactive Delay

Hello and welcome to the 398th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this Short Topics episode, the hosts discuss YOTA, amateur radio on your motorcycle, ham fests on …

RRA EP 31 Horrific Noise Level

RRA EP 31 Noise Level

Welcome to Richard’s Radio AdventuresYou are in invited to join us at the Resonant Frequency Discord Server shows in the futureRRA may fade with time. we will see.Visit the website www.rfpodcast.infoWe are working on live streaming at the discord server so we can do some live showsWe are on YouTube Topic working with a new ham Don in Oregon who is having noise issues on HFKenwood TS 940MFJ EFHW AntennaDon lacks proactive ElmersWorking to get involved in EmcommNoise SourcePower Lines in his front yard63 foot long wire antenna Antenna height 20 feet off the groundbroad side to Greenland and AustraliaRadio has more buttons and switches than you can shake a stick atPossibly overwhelming for a new hamI started on a Kenwood TS 130Look for noise sources in the houseVampire DevicesCheck the receive by monitoring HF Nets on 40 MetersSolar Cycle is at a low easier to monitor 40 metersReceived Japanese Broadcast and some CaliforniaAntenna OrientationTrying to figure out if it is the Antenna or the RigNVIS”Everything we do is practice for something else in amateur radio”Richard’s Story TimeBack to working the problemHorizontal antenna better for noisy situationsReorient the antennaAt least a quarter wave off the groundbuild your own antennaRichard’s Story TimeSpool was 500 to 1000 feet I miss spoke3905 Century ClubFind a Elmers no matter where you have to lookContact us for help at one of the links below

Find Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Resonant Frequency EP 31 Useful Websites

Useful Websites

Opening Theme 00:00

Intro: 00:54

Feedback: 01:29

Bob, KJ4DZT, sends a Tweet that his wife got her license thanks to our show.

Contact Richard via email, or on Twitter at Send your show suggestions orquestions, too.

Donations: 04:52

None received since October. Thanks to everyone who has donated. Pleasekeep them coming, so we can continue the shows. If one episode has helped, it should be worth at least a dollar. Visit the Resonant Frequency website then click the Help Support link to PayPal and make a donation. Click on the Amazon link to make your purchases, and we’ll get a little bit of the transaction.

09:51 New section manager here, locally. We’ll see how that works out.

10:21 We’re looking at possibly doing some video, and perhaps a live show We will keep you posted.

Song: 11:18 “If Love Can’t Find A Way”, by Eric Lindell, from the album “Gulf Coast Highway”,

Topic: 13:08

Useful websites:

Pretty Good Projects, which is an entry point for the next foursites on this list, and – DX alerts – Lots of interesting forums of ham radio (US) – Practice tests and other info for your license exams, UK or (UK)hamfeed,com – A ham repeater for Twitter and – A sort of Twitter directory of – A collection of blog posts, photos, news, DX spots, etc., of interest to – home of the Ham Radio Podclass, which will help you prepare for yourTechnician, General or Extra class amateur radio license – A microblogging service, with lots of amateur radio traffic available.

Song: 39:55 “Welfare Blues” by Kirk Fletcher, from the album “Shades of Blue”, available

Closing theme: 45:38

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

LHS Episode #397: The Weekender LXVII

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #396: M17 Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 396th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode we interview Steve Miller, KC1AWV, one of the major contributors to the M17 amateur …

RRA EP 30 Embarrassing Ham Nets

Embarrassing Ham Nets

Hello everybody, first I would like to apologize for the amount of time it has been since the last RRA. I recently found myself in the hospital and have been having to spend a tremendous amount of time recuperating but we are hoping to get the show back on track so that you can hear my melodious voice regularly.

We recently did a live recording on the Resonant Frequency Discord server and we would like everybody to join us for future recording sessions click this link and it will take you right over there. Do the verification and and you will be ready to go. The server is located at

This time I wanted to talk a few minutes about something I found very disturbing recently. That is to say “What The Hell Has Happened To Amateur Radio Nets?”

I am not talking about the old and well established nets but the new and improved idiotic ragchew sessions that are being spoon fed to the new operators because they don’t know any better. Listen a bit and form your own opinion.

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Resonant Frequency EP 30 Deep Cycle

Resonant Frequency EP 29 Deep Cycle

Opening them: 00:00

Intro: 00:53 We survived Christmas and New Year’s.

Feedback: 01:36 No email since last time.

Donations: 01:54 No donations since last time.

The conversion to digital TV is coming. Are you ready?We made some changes to the website. Check it out.Apologies for the episode being late.Jay W5GM would like your vote for North Texas Section Manager.

Song: 06:48 “Payback Blues” by Dennis Mitchell Band, from the album “Highway Kind of Life”

Buzzword: 09:01 Participation.For many of us, participation is simply talking on the radio during our commute to and from work.Why not take part in a club event? It’s a great way to promote the hobby, and it’s fun!

Song: 13:29 “Harpo-Ventillation” by Mark Hummel, from the album “Mark Hummel’s Blues Harmonica Blowouts”

Topic: 15:12 SLI, Marine and Deep-cycle Batteries

Start, Light and Ignition (SLI) batteries are designed to deliver a lot of energy in a short time, not to deliver steady power over a long time.Marine batteries are a compromise between marine and deep-cycle batteries, and share characteristics of both.A deep-cycle battery is designed to be repeatedly discharged 80% of capacity and can deliver a steady current for a long period of time. 24:55 Testing deep-cycle batteries

27:58 1. Inspect

29:04 2. Recharge

29:24 3. Remove surface charge

30:29 4. Measure the state-of-charge

30:49 5. Load test

32:00 6. Recharge

33:34 Use deep-cycle batteries for the radio shack, in a well-ventilated area

Song: 34:55 “Way Down the River” by Sugarcane Collins, from the album “Way Down the River”, available here:

Conclusion: 38:17

Closing theme:42:00

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

LHS Episode #395: It’s a Virtual, Virtual, Virtual, Virtual World

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