Category: Syndicated

Resonant Frequency EP 29 Gel Cell and Lithium Ion

Gel Cell and Lithium Ion and Christmas

Song: 00:00

“Mrs. Santa Claus” by Jingle Punx, from the album “Coal”

Intro: 01:35 Christmas time in North Texas.

Feedback: 02:30

John, M0JFE, likes the show and asks for a show about packet radio.

Thanks, too, to Bill at SolderSmoke for the mention.

Damon, NN7B, listens to both shows, and asks how sealed lead acid batteries compare to nicad and nimh for a grab-n-go kit or mobile station?

Donations: 07:54

Thanks to David, no callsign given, in Pleasonton, CA, andJerry, KD0BIK, of the Practical Amateur Radio Podcast.

08:48 Different music format this time – Christmas music.

10:40 Take a look at the Cafe Press store for Resonant Frequency merchandise.

Click through the Amazon link at our site.

Song: 12:42

“Goin’ On a Date With Santa” by Dr. Elmo, from the album “Up Your Chimney”

Buzzword: 16:16 Superheterodyne, presented by Tim Sutton, KI6BGE.

Song: 22:34 “Don’t Want No Bones for Christmas (I Want An Electric Guitar)” by Paul Austin Kelly, from the album “Don’t Want No Bones for Christmas”,

Topic: 25:54 Batteries: Gel cells and lithium ion.

Gel cells are a type of valve-regulated, lead-acid (VRLA) batteries. They have a pressure-relief valve to allow venting of hydrogen during overcharging, and a gelled electrolyte. Theyhave a greater resistance to extreme temperatures, shock, and vibration than typical wet-cellbatteries like the common car battery.(Contrary to what Richard says, hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas. The “rotten egg” smellfrom an over-charging car battery is due to the creation of hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S. -Ed.) Lithium Ion batteries.Most of the newer electronics, like laptops, handheld radio, etc., has Lithium ion batteriesdue to their energy to weight ratio, and no memory effect. They also have a low self-dischargerate and are lighter than other types. Their service life depends on the time of manufacture,regardless of number of charge/discharge cycles. The internal resistance is higher than mostof the other chemistries.

Song: 41:44 “Send Me a Wife for Christmas” by Dr. Elmo, from the album “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”,

Conclusion: 44:42 Listen to Linux in the Ham Shack, too!Happy Holidays!

Closing song: 46:42 “Jingle Bells (Dan the Automator Remix)” by Dean Martin, from the album “Christmas Remixed -Holiday Classics Re-Grooved”

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

LHS Episode #394: The Weekender LXVI

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LHS Episode #393: DUDE-Star Deep Dive

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Resonant Frequency EP 28 Shocking Ni-Cad

Ni-Cad Battery Deep Dive

Opening Theme
01:02 Introduction
Greetings to the hams working the California forest fires.

03:10 Feedback
Tim, KI6BGE, writes about his first radio, a Yaesu FT-747GX, and his first hand-held, an FT-60R, and other rigs. He also asks about cross-band repeating through the FT-8900R in his car.

Damon, NN7B, says Richard is his ham hero, and also listens to the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast. He was having a problem downloading the first episode, but that should be sorted out now.

Joe, NE2Z, enjoys both podcasts, and made a donation. Thanks, Joe!
Bob, KB3OQY, likes the podcast and learns something new in each episode. He also made a donation.

10:43 Donations
Thanks to Joe NE2Z and Bob KB3OQY for their donations. If you find anything useful in an episode of Resonant Frequency, consider donating a dollar. That’s less than a gallon of gasoline.

Song “Voodoo Queen” by Tommy Dardar, from the album “Blues Fool”

13:55 Buzzword
Memory effect – reality or myth?
If you partially discharge a nickel-cadmium battery (NiCad), and recharge it, it may “remember” that point of discharge as it’s fully discharged state. The best practice is to fully discharge a NiCad battery pack before recharging, and avoid the use of rapid chargers. A related phenomenon is “lazy battery”, where the battery appears to have a full charge, but becomes depleted rapidly when put to use. This is often caused by frequent overcharging, and may be cured by several deep discharge/recharge cycles.

20:29 Song
“Wasn’t That Enough” by Janiva Magness, from the album “Bury Him At The Crossroads”

22:01 Topic
Nicad batteries.
This topic was suggested by several messages on the forums.
The abbreviation NiCad is a registered trademark of SAFT Corporation. Advantages: lower weight, good charging efficiency, smaller variations in terminal voltage during discharge, low internal resistance, non-critical charging condition. In theory, a nicad battery may be charged and discharged up to 1000 times.

Comparison to Nickel-metal Hydride (NiMH)

Disadvantages: higher cost, toxicity, memory effect, and a negative temperature coefficient. Nicad cells are typically 1.2V, while alkaline cells are 1.5V.

Charging. The typical overnight charge, called a C/10 charge, is accomplished by applying 10% of the battery’s total capacity for a period of 14 hours; that is, a 100 mAh battery takes 140 mAh of energy to charge.

Dendritic shorting.

“Welfare Blues” by Kirk Fletcher, from the album “Shades of Blue”

58:25 Conclusion
ail Richard at
KB5JBV on D-Star via port C on the NE5R repeater.

theme music is “Give It All Away”, by midliFeCrisis, from the album “Live from the Loft”

Closing theme music is “We Gotta Go” by David Henderson at Podsafe Audio.

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

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LHS Episode #389: Jailbird Jamboree

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Resonant Frequency EP 27 Watt Elmer?

Episode 27 Watt Elmer? Show Notes

Song: 00:00

Intro: 00:54

Feedback: 01:23

Regarding episode 25

Thomas, WC5B, says he has changed his mind about what he recommends to new hams for a first radio, based on Richards comments.

Ray, KO4RB, also talks about episode 25 and his thoughts on a handy-talk as a first radio.

Jerry, KD0BIK, of The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast disagreed with some of Richard’s comments about media coverage of hurricane damage (Ike and Gustav) along the gulf coast. Richard’s comments were meant to be specific to his local media.

Ray, KO4RB, also writes to thank Richard for the podcast, and extols their virtues as a tool for elmering new hams. He’s also exploring Linux for use in his shack, experiments with digital modes, DStar, and more. He also made a donation!

Rich, AB6TY, says he listens as he works in the welding shop, and enjoys the information and music. He loves CW and encourages others to give it a try, and recommends FISTS and SKCC. He reminds Richard that new hams should be aware of split-frequency operations while chasing DX. He asks “What is a ‘lid’?” A lid is a bad operator.

Donations: 17:25

Rich AB6TY, Ray KO4RB made donations, which allowed the purchase of a microphone, and a new machine to record the podcast. Consider a dollar per episode. Every dollar helps. Remember, we have to pay for the hosting service. shop at Amazon through the link at the website. Thanks!

19:55 Russ K5TUX and Richard released the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. Give it a listen

Song: 22:07 “Night Time is the Right Time” by Elvin Bishop, featuring John Nemeth & Angela Strehli, from the album “The Blues Rolls On”

Buzzword: 23:19 SWR and Watt MetersMeasures power out in watts and the SWR (standing wave ratio). Higher SWR is bad, as most modern radios will reduce their output if the SWR is too high, so it’s a good idea to monitor the SWR. They can also be used to tune your wire or mobile antennas.

Song: 31:58 “What Is That You Got” by Magic Slim & the Teardrops from the album “Midnight Blues”

Topic: 34:17 How can you be a better Elmer? Elmer is the amateur radio term for a mentor. Anyone can be an Elmer. It just takes the desire to share what you know with someone else. It does take patience. Talk up the hobby with other folks. Teach a class. Get involved with one of the scouting organizations. Wear a shirt that proclaims your interest in the hobby. Be available at a special event station to answer questions.

Song: 57:17 “Sleep” by Albert Cummings from the album “Feel So Good: Albert Cummings”

Closing theme:65:04

LHS Episode #388: The Weekender LXIV

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …