Category: Syndicated

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast KB5JBV’s Christmas Special

Merry Christmas to allThanks Bill over at SolderSmokeField Gel BatteriesJerry at PARPKI6BGE BuzzwordK7AGEForumsWe need Email FeedbackSuperhetGel CellsAGM BatteriesGelled ElectrolyteSealed Lead Acid BatteryOut GassingLithium ION

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 26 Elmering In The New Millennium

Elmering in the new millenniumAmateur Radio in the Me, Me, Me, SocietyMedia has taken overMillennialsHams are a social bunchLack of information at local ClubsKnowing the folks in your clubHelp the codeless tech’sListening to other Podcasts1971 QST ArticleRadio over the InternetSeparation of the HamsWho were your Elmer’sFather was a HAMCB BandGood Bye Arecibo Radio TelescopeNTSBPLWinlinkWhere is my ElmerDMRD-starFusionApartment LivingLast mile communicationsDiscord ServerVirtual Club MeetingsAdjusted Field day RulesLonely HAM with IssuesDivision of the HAM’sNo Basics from the Commercial and Non Commercial HAM Podcasts468/FmhzHero WorshipElmer AwardAmateur Radio is a social critter

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 022

Move to Blacksparrow mediaFormat adjustmentCQIntimidated by HFNets are a good choiceDX NetsWAS Nets3905 CCN NetTriple H NetOMISS NetsJoin OrganizationsFISTS10-10 NetsIOTAAWARDSDX down low on the bandsUse other modes or bandsUse Digital Modes Stuff like Meteor Scatter and Moon BounceGet on the air, dint be afraid

LHS Episode #384: Goodbye, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 384 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this final episode of 2020, we invite listeners to join us via Discord for a discussion of …

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 021 Propagation, Repeaters and Roy

Carl K9LA

Carl K9LAPropagationLine of SightGround WaveTropospheric Propagationionospheric PropagationMoon BounceHF PropagationSpace WeatherK-IndexGeomagnetic FieldGeomagnetic StormsAuroraPower GridSun SpotsWWVVoacapW6ELPROPSporadic EE SkipAuroral PropagationBack ScatterBlind Zone Skip ZoneNVISPrime Missions

Former North Texas Section Manager Roy Rabey AD5KZ

Former ARRL Section Manager Roy Rabey and repeatersRepeater SiteRepeater LinkingRepeater ControllerTrusteePhone PatchAutopatchEcholinkIRLPPizza Delivery via Amateur RadioDuplexerFrequency CoordinatorExperimental FrequenciesPlay FriendlyControl OperatorTrusteeD-StarDigital Voice

LHS Episode #383: Baby YOTA

Welcome to the 383rd episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss December as YOTA Month, e-mail addresses on FCC applications, new rules …

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 25 Arecibo Telescope, DMR Show Maybe, Old Spotter Tales

Ganesha is the new guyMore fun than shooting guns in the houseLament for the Arecibo TelescopeImigdio InegoSpotter SafetyFerrell N4FRLMay be coming on board as DMR consultantStorm SpottingRACESARESHP SupercellNot Storm ChaserCore PuncherSir Robert PeelLancaster Texas TornadoSpotting from the Bath TubKris Campbell Bailey Ferguson KC5AYLMay Fest Hail StormOld Ford Pickup ;)Idiots stopping on the Highway under the over passesForney Texas Spotting locationShe drove off and left meCedar Creek Tornadowent to the staging area rode with police to do damage assementFort Worth TornadoWhere the west beginsF3 in downtownChristmas TornadoMesquite TexasF1 in Mesquite TexasNet Control that dayPause for the cause “Net Please Standby”Take a deep breath and chillThe Great Forney TornadoForney TexasUpclose and personalF2 – 3Good bye housing editionIce down the meatNo man left behindKeep the net open until everybody is homeBovinicidePoor Little CowGive a guy a ridereport from a safe placeif it is unsafe get the hell out

Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast Episode 020 Storm Spotting, Spotter Safety and the Oklahoma City Bombing

A copy of this spotter training is available that is repeater ready. Please email if you would like a copy.

The Great Forney Texas tornado from the parking lot of my job

Windows FailHunt and PounceCQoogleOklahoma city bombingSATERNLinux RocksBuzzword Storm SpottersSkywarnGround TruthARESCraig Green KV5EObserve and ReportStorm Spotter SafetySpot with a PartnerHydro Planing Watch out for the looky loosFull Tank of GasCPR TrainingDON’T PUNCH THE CORE!!!Have an Escape RouteDont cross Water on the RoadKeep your engine runningSpotting after darkFixed SpottersLightning Safety

LHS Episode #382: The Weekender LXII

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

Richard’s Radio Adventures Episode 24 The Interface, Pod Fading Again, You can be a Podcaster

Fought like crazy to get this one postedMissed message to my Cult followingSparring on RedditReddit battle has cooledFree publicity, I love itAdvanced in the search engine results Brenda is on the mend and cooked Thanksgiving DinnerExcerpts from Reddit are posted at the websiteClinical term verified by Dr. PhilThe interface between Commercial and Non Commercial Amateur radio PodcastsTeach Amateur Radio to learn itAmateur Radio ClassesARRL Instructors ManualQuestion PoolElmeringInterfaceCommercial Amateur Radio PodcastNon Commercial PodcastWet My WhistleLDG, LDG, LDG, LDGIcom commercialsSplit it upPod FadingLament for the great Amateur radio PodcastsNews Articles BadTo many interviews BadCommercial guys have more money than we doMic in the wrong place hasn’t been updated in yearsColin and Martin ICQpodcast can be a Podcasterold WebsitesShort history of Resonant FrequencyResonant Frequency was a PhenomenonNatural TeacherAmateur Q & APodcasting?a Mica ComputerAudacityFind a place to park itWordpressTeach, Teach, TeachWe will help if needed