Category: Syndicated

Resonant Frequency Classic #039: Feedback Feedbag

We start with a few words for the folks at Fort Hood Army Base. Then we move to a marathon feedback session. Then we move to our Belton Hamfest wrap up and Finish up with a little talk about Software Defined Radios. Music was provided by IODA Promonet: Mike Zito “Little Red Corvette” (mp3) from…

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LHS Episode #121: Freudian Linux

It’s the first episode of 2014, and we start the year off right: by talking about philosophy. Say what? Yep, that’s right. Trust us, it’s a lot more entertaining that it might at first sound. We have a special guest on the program, Ted (WA0EIR), who brings a through-provoking topic with him. Then we have […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #038: Dipoles, both of them.

Dipoles, Dipoles and other fun. Here you go. i apologize for doing another best of episode but my job has really kept me jumping this month. Next time we will talk about the Belton Hamfest and other things. This is a 2 hour episode and I will get you a new show next time. Music…

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LHS Episode #120: Steaming Mad

Howdy, folks! It’s another rip-snortin’ episode of Linux in the Ham Shack comin’ atcha. In this installment, your intrepid co-hosts have discuss a couple of new Linux distributions, namely Fedora 20 and SteamOS. After that, we have a fantastic interview with the show’s good friend Jonathan Nadeau. He has a new accessibility project to make […]

Resonant Frequency classic #037: Rapid charging cures warts.

This time we talk about wall warts Rapid chargers and rude HAMs and we listen to some Brad Sucks. A good time was had by all.
Music was provided by Magnatune

Check it out.
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LHS Episode #119: Just Keep Swimming

An action-packed episode awaits your eager ears. In Episode #119 of Linux in the Ham Shack, your intrepid hosts discuss the new Cinnamon desktop, Amazon’s desire to make deliveries by unmanned drones, WEFAX and slow-scan television. On top of that, there is information on the best light weight desktop environments for your computer, and the […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #036: Who died and made you conductor?

It is time again for Resonant Frequency. This time we talk a little bit about conductor size in relation to frequency. We received some really useful email and a reminder that I don’t do such a great job with show notes. We have added a fan page for the show at Facebook go by and…

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LHS Episode #118: Making Flippy Floppy, Sol Style

Hello, friends! Episode #118 of Linux in the Ham Shack is ready for your immediate consumption. Lots of ham radio and Linux related news in this episode, including discussion of Ham Radio Now, the sun’s magnetosphere, digital contacts on 28MHz, Linux Mint, Linux news aggregation sites and more. Sit back in your easy chair, put […]

Resonant Frewuency Classic #035: Look ma’ I,m on Video

Resonant Frequency Episode 35 is out. This time we have a suprise for you. This is the audio track of our very first live Episode at Don’t forget the zero on the end or you will end up in the wrong place. We are in the process of getting a schedule in place…

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LHS Episode #117: On Point (For Once)

Hello, podcast listeners! It’s getting cold outside. Now would be a good time to curl up in your favorite chair with your media player, a warm fire and an episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. As it happens, we have a new one for you right now. Your hosts discuss some newly updated ham […]