Category: Syndicated

LHS Episode #097: Sheer Hamshackedness

Welcome once again to the Wonderful World of Linux in the Ham Shack. As indicated in the title, this episode is full of Sheer Hamshackedness. If you’re unsure what that is, we encourage you to pour yourself a nice glass of dark beer or a 100-proof spirit of your choice, put on your headphones and […]

LHS Episode #096: Worst. Episode. Ever.

Sometimes an episode comes along that defies description. This is one of those times. Richard was exhausted from his job. Russ was exhausted from life in general. Topics were a bit thin. Both hosts found their way into the sauce for the evening. Everything conspired to make Episode #096 one of the worst on record. […]

LHS Episode #095: I Has the Dumb

Richard called this one of our best efforts to date, which means there must be some kind of worthwhile contained buried in all the tomfoolery somewhere. If you can find it, you’ll be that much wiser for whatever it is we discussed. Silliness aside, we discuss some proposed FCC rule changes for the amateur radio […]

T&L Episode 13: Remote Desktop Protocols

Hey listeners, another episode of Tech & Loathing is now on tap. A couple of IRC friends have joined me tonight to discuss a couple of topics. For Loathing we have Android vs. iOS and all of my frustrations with the world of mobile computing. For Tech we have a look at RDP, VNC and …

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LHS Episode #094: Arsenic and Old Pi

The latest episode of LHS is upon you! Prepare to be astounded, mesmerized, blown away and flabbergasted. If none of that happens, perhaps you’ll be entertained and informed. In a music-less episode, we somehow manage to get through without stumbling–more or less. Our foray begins in the world of Linux and computing with some tips […]

LHS Episode #093: Eating Crackers in Bed

Hello and welcome to a very late release of LHS Episode #093. Recorded about a month ago, I finally found the time to get this one edited and put out so the world can experience it. I’d like to thank our loyal listeners for their patience, and I sincerely hope that this episode stands up […]

LHS Episode #092: Yardfuls of Cooked Squab

Welcome, everyone to Episode #092 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In order to bring some more Linux users into the fold, we spend some time addressing issues pertinent to them. The first segment discusses some useful video and photo editing software that might be of interest to anyone, ham radio operator or not. The […]

T&L Episode 12: Guns (Part 1)

While some episodes of the show are “tech” based and others are “loathing” based, this one is a little bit of both. Being a new inductee into the wild world of guns, I decide to have a round-table discussion about the matter with a few friends from the Internet. The first half of the discussion …

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LHS Episode #091: Messed Up in the Head

Good mushroom, everyone, and welcome to another episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. This time around, we get a little bit ham geeky. That’s not a bad thing for those of you who are computer enthusiasts. We all delve into some scientific topics like electro-magnetic radiation, skywave propagation, atmospheric layers and other topics that […]

LHS Episode #090: Purple Hays

Here we are at Episode #090, just 10 away from the century mark. Things have been rolling along fairly smoothly, and except for Russ being deathly ill for the last eight days, there’s not even a lot to complain about. In this episode, we have yet another interview. This time it’s with John Hays, K7VE, […]