Category: Syndicated

LHS Episode #061: I Am Cornholio

One final notice before Hamvention is here. We’d sure like to visit with all of our listeners out in Dayton if you can make it. Hopefully we’ll be able to turn a bunch more ham radio enthusiasts onto the benefits of Linux while we’re there.

In this episode, your fearless hosts tackle some of the […]

LHS Episode #060: apt-get install make-pr0n-work

Hello, faithful listeners and newcomers alike. A couple of big events are coming up. The first is the Dayton Hamvention, this weekend from May 20th through the 22nd. The other is the Southeast Linux Fest, from June 10th through the 12th. Linux in the Ham Shack will have a presence at both events and we […]

How to build fldigi on Ubuntu 9.10 X64

This was submitted by a user at Linux in the Ham Shack. I have not tested this myself but it appears to be correct. How to build fldigi on Ubuntu 9.10 X64 regards k6*** 1: get source tar balls # cd /usr/local/src # sudo bash # [sudo] password for hamradio: # root@hamworkstation:/usr/local/src# Browse to…

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Get a grip radio operators

I have to ask myself sometimes “What is wrong with people.” A few days ago a fellow showed up on Twitter asking the question ” does the average HAM make a difference anymore?” Well since then some others on Twitter have ask the same question. I say yes we do. We made a difference in…

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Some thoughts on Dxing

I was listening to a conversation on the local 2 meter repeater the other day. I heard an old timer telling another HAM that he needed a beam antenna and an amplifier if he really wanted to chase DX. The flow of the conversation lead me to believe that the old timer was letting the…

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Email to Discovery News about Amateur Radio

Here is another of those self indulgent things. I listen to the Friday news feedbag as a podcast and every week it seems that one of the host makes a negative remark about amateur radio. This week I had enough so I found the email address, loaded my musket and let them have it. It…

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RFC Show Notes Episode 052

00:00 Opening Theme “Hand-Picked” by John Williams, from the album “Long Ride Home” 01:00 Introduction Due to the high volume of feedback, we’ll cover that in a future episode.  The Resonant Frequency website has been updated, and the donation counter reset, but all donations are gratefully accepted. If an episode has helped you at all,…

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WSPR2 on Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10

Written by Eddie, G3ZJO. Used with permission. Well from the talk on the WWWeb I was hoping for better things I must admit. I have been away from Linux for a time. There are things in Ham Radio still that you just can only do with Windows. I did install Ubuntu 9.04 and ran WSJT…

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You only have a 2 by 3 call You can’t know anything

You know I have a two by three call sign. It is KB5JBV. For those that have been getting it wrong for the last twenty plus years that is “Kilo Bravo Five Juliet Bravo Victor”. I have that call because it was my original novice call sign. Other reasons are that I am an advanced…

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Letter to HAM Assoc. of Mesquite about APRS

I know this is a little self serving but I think there are some good points in this information. Please stay tuned for the opinion segment at the end of this email. The idea of a  Digi on the tower is something we put to bed a long time ago. the problem with packet is…

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