Category: Syndicated

RF VE 03: Introduction to JT-65

Time for another video kids. This time we do a short introduction to the digital mode JT-65 on HF

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Solar Cycle 24 really sucks

Recently I have been working some JT65 contacts on HF. I have been trying to get used to using that mode and having some success. Especially on the 10 meter band of all places. This surprised me because 10 meters has been pretty much dead since the start of the current solar cycle. Now most…

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RFC Show Notes Episode 051

00:00 Opening Theme “Hand-Picked” by John Williams, from the album “Long Ride Home” 01:01 Introduction Look for the next installment of the mobile installation discussion, and feedback, in the next episode.  Richard asked several local amateur radio clubs for copies of their newsletters in order to develop ideas for future podcast episodes. One of them,…

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RFC Show Notes Episode 050

00:00 Notice HR-607 has been introduced into Congress which will reallocate most of the 440MHz amateur radio band to Public Safety broadband network. Please read this and take action! 02:04 Song “Dropping Out of School” by Brad Sucks, from the album “Out of It”. 04:20 Introduction In the studio to answer a lot of feedback…

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Danger! Spectrum threat to 70 cm band

From:ARRL Members Only Web site> To: Sent: Wed, March 2, 2011 7:26:30 PM Subject: March FLASH Newsletter Attention all Radio Amateurs! A FLASH message from the West Gulf Division Director, David Woolweaver, K5RAV Your assistance to defend one of our amateur bands is urgently requested. Please read and follow through on the requested…

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What is the point in being a good Ham any way?

I was thinking about my amateur radio experiences over the years and things I have done to improve my skills and knowledge of amateur radio and it dawned on me “what is the point of being a good Ham anyway?” I will give you a good example from my own experience. I have tried nearly…

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LHS Episode #057: Fumbling Your Foo Dog

In this very late episode, Linux in the Ham Shack gets back to some basics. For those listeners who haven’t been around ham radio that much, we take a look at some of the basic concepts of radio communication. Then, we get all up in arms about how long our…antennas are. Explore with us some […]

Linux Mint 7 – Refreshing!

This is a Repost of an article by Bill KA9WKA. Enjoy. Let me start with a few disclaimers:  I like Red Hat and it’s various derivatives.  I’ve never much cared for Debian, and I still think Ubuntu is a bit over-rated. And, I’m not a Gnome fan; I like KDE.  I know why I have…

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What good is a packet BBS

I was watching the tweets go by on Twitter the other day and somebody ask the question “ What good is a packet BBS anyway”. That makes me a little sad. When I was freshly licensed Packet was the king of digital modes on VHF and above. It was also one of the top three…

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What the Heck is NTS?

This is the second in a series of Articles I am writing to try and demystify emergency and disaster communications. This time we will talk a little about the National Traffic System. What is the National Traffic System? The Public Service Communications Manual tells us: “The National Traffic System is a means for systematizing amateur…

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