RF Podcast EP 49 Powerful Linux
RF Podcast EP 49 Powerful Linux
Mobile EpisodeIntroWelcomeVisit the website www.rfpodcast.infoDonationsBridgecom Systems (DMR Radios and Hotspots)Patreon “Become a Patron Today!”By Me A Coffee (Tip Jar)PayPal (Our old faithful donation spot)No feedback this timeTopic more LinuxLinux makes senseIt is not hard to work withHas more than one Great DesktopDifferent flavors of Linux are called Distributions The current focus is to make it more desktop friendlyWhyYou don’t always want to have your ham stuff on your everyday equipmentMakes older computers run greatCan be run from a thumb driveLive CD’sFreedomFree as in moneyOpen sourceThe other freeModify it if you wantMake it yoursShare it with your friendsIf I put it on my wife’s machine she wouldn’t know the differenceBest DistributionsLinux Mint (Debian Based)Ubuntu (Debian Based)Fedora ( Red Hat Based)Crunch Bang (Now defunct)Probably Not for the NoviceDebian but has a huge Amateur Radio RepoGentooArchRead about other Distros and see there top ten list at DistrowatchAmateur RadioAll the software is in one placelots of software in the repositoriesRig ControlPacketLoggingDigital Modes softwareCW TrainersSatellite SoftwareDX ClusterDid an interview with the writer of FLdigi onceFree Soft Ware like FlDigi Linux and WindowsCQRlogXDXDratsFeature Rich D-Star DataRichards Story TimeCrunch Bang Linuxon a 12 year old laptopA bunch of computer stuffUse Linux Mint and take a test driveI hate WindowsStarted on Windows 2.0 before that I was a DOS guyCheck out the Gal in the Heil headsetSEND ME YOUR FEEDBACK!Brad Sucks Rocks
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