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RRA EP 42 Badass Classes

Badass Classes

IntroStill working on the clubStill working on ARESHelp Support the showPatreonPaypalScrew AmazonMore ElmeringNew hams that can’t find an Elmer to help themI made a mistakeDon’t study to the testWe need to help these folks flourishWe need help from my international ListenersDo you have a problem with Older Hams not elmeringI need some perspectiveMessage by a left out new operator on Social MediaWhere are the Damned ElmersOlder Timers mad about the codeless licenseCodeless license saved Amateur RadioLoss of valuable knowledgeArm chair HAMsGet off the potThe new guys need usDon’t be a JackassIn the coming monthsI have decided I will have to do some basic amateur radio classesAudioVideoNeed help to get streaming goingrecord it at the same timeNeed help with OBS Please contact meOn Air Classes?Dont have time to take on this projectBut somebody has toRichards Story Time Talking a new ham through putting his first antenna up over the internetDon’t be mean to the new guys

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Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

RRA EP 42 Badass Classes

Badass Classes

IntroStill working on the clubStill working on ARESHelp Support the showPatreonPaypalScrew AmazonMore ElmeringNew hams that can’t find an Elmer to help themI made a mistakeDon’t study to the testWe need to help these folks flourishWe need help from my international ListenersDo you have a problem with Older Hams not elmeringI need some perspectiveMessage by a left out new operator on Social MediaWhere are the Damned ElmersOlder Timers mad about the codeless licenseCodeless license saved Amateur RadioLoss of valuable knowledgeArm chair HAMsGet off the potThe new guys need usDon’t be a JackassIn the coming monthsI have decided I will have to do some basic amateur radio classesAudioVideoNeed help to get streaming goingrecord it at the same timeNeed help with OBS Please contact meOn Air Classes?Dont have time to take on this projectBut somebody has toRichards Story Time Talking a new ham through putting his first antenna up over the internetDon’t be mean to the new guys

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

LHS Episode #424: The Weekender LXXVI

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

RF Podcast EP 42 Awesome Feedback

Episode 41 Awesome Feedback Show Notes

00:00 LHS Promo

00:34 Theme

01:27 Intro Back in the studio this time.The Resonant Frequency website has been moved and is no more. The new web site is Linux in the Ham Shack is at To contact Richard, use

03:00 Donations The two podcasts are now financially separated, so please consider making a donation to the Resonant Frequency podcast to show your support.

04:46 Feedback

Craig, KD8NJZ, posted a comment at the forums on the old site. He enjoys the podcast as well as The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast and Teen Radio Journey.

Ray, KO4RB, also posted a comment on the web site to welcome Resonant Frequency back “on the air”.

BB, KC5PIY, writes to ask for help finding episodes 1-11 and 33. BB is the webmaster for Intertie, Inc.,, “a private amateur radio 501(c)(3) organization whose members have constructed and operate 23 remotely controlled base stations, (Remote Base), interconnected through full duplex links.

These linked systems cover a large part of Texas and are an integral part of the larger Cactus Intertie System consisting of over 150 Remote Base sites and 20 affiliate clubs.” There is some sort of problem with the feed to iTunes. We’re working on it, but if you have any experiance with RSS feeds and Drupal, please contact Richard. If you’re looking for old episodes, they are all available at under the “Podcast Archive” button near the top of the page.

WW, KB9TMP, also writes to welcome back Resonant Frequency. He agrees that most of the repeaters in his area go quiet after about 6:00pm. The only busy repeater is a linked repeater, and even it is not that busy. He has a simplex EchoLink node 7492, KB9TMP-L.

David, N5DBK, writes to express his appreciation for the return of Resonant Frequency, and shares his thoughts about the 2-meter “wasteland” Richard talked about in Episode 41.

22:31 Song

“Do You Mean It” by Magic Slim and the Teardrops, from the album “Raising The Bar”.

25:57 If you’re involved in the Section Manager election for the ARRL North Texas section, please contact Richard.

27:24 Feedback

Gary, WR1U, also writes in about the lack of traffic on his local repeaters, and even simplex is quiet. Gary has started a Facebook continued group for blind amateur radio operators. If you’re on Facebook, look for it. Richard notes that part of the reason simplex VHF traffic has fallen off is due to uncoordinated repeaters, some D-Star, that have cropped up on the simplex portion of the band.

Ray, KO4RB, writes again to welcome Resonant Frequency back.

BB, KC5PIY, also signed up as a listener on the web site and had some problems with the process. If you’re have trouble signing up, please contact Richard for assistance.

Chris, NW5W, writes to say he is having problems subscribing to the podcast through iTunes.Ted welcomes RF back and usually agrees with Richard’s opinions.

38:22 Song

“Shame” by Magic Slim and the Teardrops, from the album “Raising The Bar”.

42:16 Topic

More thoughts about the VHF/UHF wasteland.

Remember that we lost part of the 220MHz band partly because it was under-utilized by hams. So, get out there and use the repeaters!

Resonant Frequency has taken on an advertiser to help defray costs. Look for a show about 2010 Field Day coming soon. If you’re in the North Texas ARRL Section, contact Richard to discuss the current situation. You may hear Richard on D-Star, VHF or HF. Give him a call! And send us you feedback. Without your participation and feedback we don’t have a show.

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:

LHS Episode #423: [Title of Podcast]

Hello and welcome to the 423rd episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short-topics episode, the hosts discuss the upcoming third QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo along with …

RRA EP 40 I Made A Mistake

RRA EP 40 I Made A Mistake

Opening ThemeGreetingsMinionsLegion of FollowersPatreonsand anybody elseSorry about the lateness of the EpisodeBeen really busyWelcome Darius to the teamBio to FollowWe have hit 100,000 visitors to the website. Woo Hoo!About to get kicked off AMAZONMoney grubbing Bitches!We have Paypal for one time DonationsWe have Patreon for reoccurring membershipsPerks to comeAll at the websiteSuper super friendly Reddit Banned from the Amateur Radio RedditPosted a video to help the new folksVideo on YoutubeI have 2 StrikesI have a planMake my own Amateur Radio Reddit with Elmers and no JERKS!First meeting of the Radio ClubOne Meeting of A.R.E.S.Sadly cracking down on the team Offered a RepeaterThanks Dave W5DLPNeed a siteNeed Heliaxand an EngineerRichard ain’t the oneI have been wrong (Earth Shattering I know)The older DaysVintage Call SignRichard is old! (Licensed in the last century)Surrounded by ElmersEvery HAM I have met is my ElmerSome Elmers taught me what not to do by exampleI really do like Gordon West WB6NOALearning the answers to the TestRon Jackson N5OJTYou ain’t doin itLicensed since 1995 or later your falling down on the Frikin’ jobtoo good to help new guys outDivision of the HAM’sDon’t want to share with new guysYou need to help the new guys because somebody helped youGo troll the newsgroupsYour selfish and don’t want to give back to the communityThere are people talking about at the club meetings because you won’t help the new guysGet your butt in gear and help the new guysYour making a mistake not capturing that resource Why am I doing your job?If you don’t have at least one guy hanging around asking questions you are falling down on the job and you are a horrible amateur radio operatorNew HAM’s aggressively go find your ElmersStudying to the test is not workingGo hunt down some ElmersI am Elmering in person and over the internet Elmering new Hams in other states via the internetA lot of the new breed of ham are worthless as ElmersElmering a new operator in OregonElmering a new operator in South CarolinaJust this week Elmering a new operator in Dallas 30 miles away We’ve started a new club to Elmer the new operators in Kaufman County TexasWe don’t make the mistake of ignoring this resourceYou need ElmersIf the other Hams don’t embrace you find other HamsIf these guys make the mistake of ignoring you its because they are LAZYUse the resources available to youThe InternetARRLVideosDo some research because you need to know about Ham RadioHit the books kidsIf nobody will Elmer you CONTACT me I will do my best to help you.No such thing as a perfectly tuned antennaDFing is a good skill to learnDelta Loop laying on its sideDiddle Stick ;)Don’t make the mistake of wasting you time on those do nothin hams that are falling down on the jobSee it, Do it, Teach itI am extremely busy but I have time for the New HamsPimpin Linux in the Ham shackRuss K5TUX is a Ham Radio GodI am sick and tired of the of the new guys not getting what they need from their fellow Ham radio OperatorsClueless ExtrasDon’t make the mistake of not getting on the air anyway you can but don’t make the mistake of stopping thereNew Techs go out and conquer the world If they don’t’ want to talk to you you really don’t need them anyway Spread the Gospel of Amateur RadioIf you have been licensed a week you know more than the operator that got their license yesterday

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Discord: https://discord.

LHS Episode #422: The Weekender LXXV

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #422: The Weekender LXXV

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #421: YOTA Camp Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to Episode 421 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts interview Neil Rapp, WB2VPG, coordinator of the IARU Region 2 YOTA camp and …

RF Podcast EP 41 VHF / UHF Waste land

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Episode 41 VHF / UHF Waste land

00:00 Intro Music

00:54 Intro

Recording live from the vehicle, Dave Yates style. to the web hosting service is complete, though some things were lost. If you were signed up for an account on the old site, you’ll need to sign up again.After a long hiatus, Resonant Frequency is back. Tell your friends. If you’re on iTunes, new episodes should arrive automatically.To contact Richard, use

04:51 Dayton The Dayton Hamvention is coming up. Look for the Linux in the Ham Shack table at Dayton and say hello to Russ, K5TUX. Unfortunately, Richard will not be able to attend due to job commitments.

05:14 Thanks, again, to Jerry Taylor for his kind remarks about us on his podcast, The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast.There are a number of good amateur radio podcasts, now. Some are:

The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast ( SWR Radio Journey in the Ham Shack Frequency

06:08 This episode is being recorded on a Sansa Clip while Richard is driving. Apologies for any pops and clicks.

07:12 Song “Funky Way” by Mark Hummel, from the album “Retro-Active”.

11:52 Rant VHF / UHF Waste landEvery VHF and UHF repeater pair within 70 miles of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area is taken. So, why can’t you find someone to talk to after 11:00pm? Years ago, that was not the case. Is the 2m band dead at night in your area? Any idea why? Let me know. Around here, 2m is busy at drive times, and a few nets in the evening, but after that, nothing. If we don’t use it, we’ll lose it. Don’t let VHF and UHF become a Waste Land

26:05 Song “Smack Talkin’ Mama” by Ray Campi, Kevin Fennell from the album “Hard Rockin’ Head Knockin'”

31:11 Conclusion

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Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

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