LHS Episode #418: ARDC Deep Dive
Hello and welcome to the 418th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk to part of the team from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a group …
Hello and welcome to the 418th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk to part of the team from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a group …
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RF Podcast EP 39 Fascinating SDR
Episode 39 Show Notes
00:00 Theme:
00:53 Intro: Condolences to the victims and their families of the recent violence at Ft. Hood.Lots of activity through the Amazon link. Thank you! Remember, Christmas is coming, so use the Amazon link on the RF site for your shopping.Tim, KI6BGE, is the second-highest donor! Thanks, Tim, for your generous donations. If you’d like to make a donation, please visit the web site and click the Donate link. Remember, if any episode has been helpful, it’s probably worth a dollar.
06:30 Feedback: Re: Episode 37Noel, WB0VGI, enjoyed the episode about space weather, and he operates a space weather web site at space.augsburg.edu.Paul, from teenradiojourney.com, offers to help out.John, EI7IG, offers his opinions about radio club “megalomaniacs”, and APRS.Doug, N6LMX, shares his experiences with arrogant radio club members, and his appreciation for the podcast.Bill, KA9WKA, writes to offer his experiences, good and bad, with new ham club members.
17:58 Song: “Little Red Corvette” by Mike Zito from the album “Today”
21:45 Feeback: Trevor, KE5RRR, shares his experiences with being a new ham and offers a different perspective on the hams at the radio club Richard spoke about previously.
Re: Episode 38
Nathan, NR5P, wrote to suggest a future show about class E AM transmitters, and provides links to amfone.net classeradio.com
N0MWM wrote to offer help.
N0MWU wrote to offer his reviews of various ham radio items. You can find them on his web page http://www.n0mwu.com/N0MWU/Reviews/Reviews.html
Richard wields the banhammer, and gets a response.
Don, KB2YSI, just returned to the hobby, has enjoyed the podcasts, and shares his memories of the Icom 2AT.
David, KB5YLG, reminds us of the North Central Texas Emergency Communicators’ Ham-festival (NCTECH) on November 14 in Azle, TX. For more information, visit www.wc5c.org.
Eddie, KJ6CEA, just recently found the podcast, and has been listening to them all. He’s a new ham, and is preparing to upgrade to Extra. Well done, Eddie!
42:01 Song: “Booker Twine” by Pete Anderson from the album “Even Things Up”
44:53 Topic: Richard talks about the recent Belton, TX hamfest. FlexRadio was there, and Greg WD0ACD and Dudley WA5QPZ spent some time discussing software defined radios. http://www.flex-radio.com/Richard’s dad bought a FT-107M from Royce KB5VVTHenry K5BUG (sorry about getting your call wrong in the podcast) was there with his Texas bug-catcher antennas.The Side Winders on Two (SWOT) group were there, too. http://www.swotrc.net/Richard also met with Dr. Woolweaver, K5RAV, Director of the West Gulf Division of ARRL http://www.westgulfdivision.org/.
52:05 Song: “Speak No Evil” by Tinsley Ellis from the album “Speak No Evil”
57:10 Topic: Software Defined Radios (SDR).http://www.flex-radio.com/About.aspx?topic=whatissdr Currently only Windows and Mac, but they’re working on a Linux version.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_radio
1:13:13 Closing theme: “We Gotta Go” by David Henderson
Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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Hello and welcome to Episode 417 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts are all gathered together in one place for the recording for the first …
RRA EP 38 Vibrant Club
IntroductionNew ARES UnitNew ClubSocial Media Blitz for the club and ARESFacebookTwitterMeWeTumblrRedditNew RecruitsRecruited 13 members clubRecruited 7 members ARESWorking NetsDMR SadnessWe have a TG on TGIF 75142Discord for ARES and the Club11Update on the J-pole antenna at the studioHello Cedar Creek ARCHello Garland ARCTraining up ARESOnline Club management SystemIs Your Club VibrantYour club needs to be friendly and WelcomingAcknowledge the new guysOffer activitiesHelp the OM’s acclimatizeAmateur Radio FraternityThe Division of the HAM’sAlways looking for ways to get away from everybody elseThe Dreaded 501.C3Club members are customers of the ClubClub officers are the staff of the ClubLet the Elmers teach so the new guys can learnKeep you members engagedRecruit by VERecruit by ClassesMe, Me, Me Generation has made it into Amateur RadioMe, Me, Me Generation doesn’t to be Us, Us, Us and don’t want to Help, Help, HelpLooking forward to field day a bitThanks for listening
Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …
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RF Podcast EP 38 Reflective Retrospective
Episode 38 Show Notes
00:00 Theme:
00:53 Intro: This is a Reflective Retrospective, due to family and work obligations. We’ll try to have new content next month.
02:59 Song: “Beast of Burden” by Altered Five from the album “Bluesified”
07:27 Topic: Dipole antennas. (From episode 13)Half-wave dipole antennas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipole_antenna Some statistics say that 19 out of 20 new hams never get on the air. Is it because they don’t have an antenna? A half-wave dipole is inexpensive, easy to build, and quite effective. The formula for calculating the length of a dipole is:Length (feet) = 468 / frequency (MHz) or,Length (meters) = 143 / frequency (Mhz)Here are a few references to help get you started:http://www.k7mem.150m.com/Electronic_Notebook/antennas/dipole.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/n2uhc/dipole.htmlYou may wish to try a G5RV antenna, which can be used on many bands. http://www.astrosurf.com/luxorion/qsl-g5rv-2.htm
40:30 Song: “Heaven” by Los Lonely Boys from the album “Live At Blue Cat Blues – Dallas Texas”
44:24 Topic: Dipole antennas, part 2. (From episode 14)Richard continues his discussion of dipole antennas, and introduces fan dipoles, long/random wires, and loop antennas.
1:17:44 Song: “Misunderstood” by Carolyn Wonderland from the album “Miss Understood”
1:21:11 Topic: Stealth antennas (From episode 18)Low profile, or stealth, antennas. Every situation is different, so think creatively. Remember, any antenna is better than no antenna.
1:49:57 Song: “Friday Night” by Los Lonely Boys from the album “Live At Blue Cat Blues – Dallas Texas”
1:53:07 Conclusion: Thanks for joining us for the Retrospective episode
1:54:16 Closing theme: “We Gotta Go” by David Henderson
Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At www.rfpodcast.info
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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Welcome to Episode 415 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we welcome back Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, from the Open Research Institute. We had an interview about the …
Welcome to Episode 415 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we welcome back Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, from the Open Research Institute. We had an interview about the …
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Exciting Times in Kaufman Texas
Welcome to the showUndisclosed location Sorry we missed the show / Home invasionExciting times in Kaufman CountyDecrease of visitors at the websiteSetting up member area on the websiteJoin Patreon at our website or look for us here www.patreon.comGoing to start on new articles for the website
Big things in Kaufman County TexasWe are starting a new club in our county for real this time.The Kaufman County Amateur Radio AssociationIf you want to be a member sign up now no membership feeWe have an Interim Constitution in placePresident is KB5JBVVice-president Sandor KG4FETThe Kaufman County Amateur Radio Association can be found hereWebsite (Still under construction) www.kcara.net Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/kcara/Discord https://discord.gg/xqh6Fz8vG9
Repeater free zone Repeater gone due to boycottRepeater on closed systemRepeater one 70 cm crippled but open for us to uselet me know if you want to put up a VHF repeater in Kaufman county
We have a DMR Talkgroup on TGIF Network for the clubTGIF Talkgroup 75142Praise for the TGIF NetworkWe will be looking to add more Talkgroupslooking into setting up an XLX reflector
Reinstated As Kaufman County ARES Emergency CoordinatorEC for the county 10 years agoPrevious group fell apart after the Forney TornadoEmail from the SEC Greg K5GTX Thanks you GregSneak Richard already setting it upKaufman County ARES on www.facebook.com/groups/kcares/
Welcome back Ray K5RCPRay has a 70 cm repeater in this county He is tuning it upmaking it prettyRay has offered to let us use his machineFreq. 441.675 Tone 110.9Fairly wide coverage
Ham Fest by the Hella Hams Hella Hams are a masonic GroupLocated in Garland Texasorganized by the same guy that organizes the Irving Hamfeston the banks of beautiful lake Ray HubbardAssociated with the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Childrenwe’re hoping for association
Home Invasion StoryThanks to the Terrell Police and Fire departments
The Wrap up
Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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Exciting Times in Kaufman Texas
Welcome to the showUndisclosed location Sorry we missed the show / Home invasionExciting times in Kaufman CountyDecrease of visitors at the websiteSetting up member area on the websiteJoin Patreon at our website or look for us here www.patreon.comGoing to start on new articles for the website
Big things in Kaufman County TexasWe are starting a new club in our county for real this time.The Kaufman County Amateur Radio AssociationIf you want to be a member sign up now no membership feeWe have an Interim Constitution in placePresident is KB5JBVVice-president Sandor KG4FETThe Kaufman County Amateur Radio Association can be found hereWebsite (Still under construction) www.kcara.net Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/kcara/Discord https://discord.gg/xqh6Fz8vG9
Repeater free zone Repeater gone due to boycottRepeater on closed systemRepeater one 70 cm crippled but open for us to uselet me know if you want to put up a VHF repeater in Kaufman county
We have a DMR Talkgroup on TGIF Network for the clubTGIF Talkgroup 75142Praise for the TGIF NetworkWe will be looking to add more Talkgroupslooking into setting up an XLX reflector
Reinstated As Kaufman County ARES Emergency CoordinatorEC for the county 10 years agoPrevious group fell apart after the Forney TornadoEmail from the SEC Greg K5GTX Thanks you GregSneak Richard already setting it upKaufman County ARES on www.facebook.com/groups/kcares/
Welcome back Ray K5RCPRay has a 70 cm repeater in this county He is tuning it upmaking it prettyRay has offered to let us use his machineFreq. 441.675 Tone 110.9Fairly wide coverage
Ham Fest by the Hella Hams Hella Hams are a masonic GroupLocated in Garland Texasorganized by the same guy that organizes the Irving Hamfeston the banks of beautiful lake Ray HubbardAssociated with the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Childrenwe’re hoping for association
Home Invasion StoryThanks to the Terrell Police and Fire departments
The Wrap up
Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
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