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RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers

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RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers

Welcome To our ShowAres is coming together Club is coming togetherThe vanishing wastelandPatreonTim KO4IVN Very First PatreonPaypal Link on the websiteClick an Amazon Ad on the websiteArticles and Audio on the websiteSlow Rebrand of the websiteClub updateMeeting PlacePastor MichaelBe part of the partyWe will put Articles and Audio from the listeners on the websiteLament for the Sansa ClipBe a part of the LEGENDNo Repeater for ARESBad Google CalendarGoing on a tour of the local clubs soonFAUX ELMERSElmering is falling downEnter the Faux ElmersThey sound knowledgeable but are notThey gather new guys around to stroke there egoEd KE5OAScotty was the anti EdFull of made up informationEd and Scotty go to warNTS and the Cult of ScottyEnter the Big 700Ain’t no little 700Yet another fake ElmerCluelessErroneous InformationThe new folks are dying for informationScan and pass Tech testElectronically naiveIf you are a Fake ElmerNew operators want to be the best Ham the canNeed some hate mail so I can return the favorFind real ElmersSearch diligentlyFake Elmers net to be ostracizedMost Fake Elmers cant even build a Dipole AntennaTim KD6FWDUsed to build copper pipe j-poles so new guys could get on the airKing of transmitter huntsFake Elmers sit on there ass at home in stead of helpingFind knowledgeable elmersWhy do their houses have no antennas Got a Ham hiding in the Apartment Complex hereLead the way and ElmerStay away from Fake ElmersFake Elmer are the same guys that tell unbelievable stories to everyone else seeking attentionAggressive Search out ElmersVet your ElmersWhen you here them giving bad information to others tell them it is BullshitWrap upSend me a DollarPreach the Gospel of Amateur Radio

Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

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RF Podcast EP 40 Basic D-Rats

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Episode 40 Basic D-Rats Show Notes

00:00 Theme:

00:53 Intro: It’s Christmas time in North Texas.

01:53 Feedback: None!Announcements: Check out Linux in the Ham Shack. www.lhsinfo.orgDonations: Thanks to everyone for buying through the Amazon link. Amazon kicks back a small percentage to the show as credit, so it’s not quite the same as cash, but it does help. By donating through the Donate link, it will help defray the server fees and other expenses.Dayton 2010: Richard and Russ are trying to raise funds for a booth at Dayton, 2010. If you’d like to help, drop a few dollars at the Donate link on Linux in the Ham Shack. Watch for Richard at the local (N. Texas) hamfests, too.Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone.

09:01 Song: “A Christmas Prelude” by the US Air Force Band Of Mid America, from the album “A Musical Christmas”

12:07 Topic: D-Star and digital modes. Richard is setting up a D-RATS reflector., aka a Ratflector. Richard is using an Icom ID-800, but it works with the DV dongle, too. At this point, he has the computer (running Linux), radio, and cables, and is in the process of testing things.

39:13 Song: “Christmast Pathetique” by Michael Allen Harrison, from the album “Enchanted Christmas Volume Three”

45:08 Conclusion: Send feedback about the D-RATS/D-STAR project. An upcoming project will be the mobile installation of a Kenwood TS-50.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year!

51:37 Song: “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby from the album “Bing Crosby Christmas”

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

LHS Episode #420: No No Jar Jar

Hello and welcome to the 420th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Smoke ’em if you got ’em! In this episode the hosts discuss Youths on the Air 2021, …

RRA EP 39 Captivating Canada

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RRA EP 39 Captivating Canada

IntroWelcomeWe love our listeners all over the worldA little bit about PatreonLink for Paypal on the websiteProgress, progress, progressTowin the lineInvited by a local church to have meetingsProgress on the KCARAWebsite kcara.netTGIF Talk Group 75142Invited by a local church to have meetingsnew Discord Servers for KCARA and KCARESand everywhere elseClub is unanimousstill no repeater ArmadillosTesting Droidstar (more to Come)Then there was ARESwww.KCARES.infoStill communication issueswe even have running waterspread thin in a large countyBilly AK5DX, HELP!Simplex is barely an optionI miss Studio 1New AEC Colten W3CEW

Another nag about the websiteEnter the CanadiansJames VA3SMUOntarioI was politeWhen he persisted I was less politeCaptivating WomenIf you know who she is, She is Captivating too >>>>>>>>>>>>>>KMACurrently doing a slow re-brand of the websiteWe don’t advertise on the PodcastCharlotte has a job for life and she is Captivating as well.She and I have been together for about 16 yearsExemplifies our brandSkimpy Gal may goIf you don’t like looking at it, Don’t look at itIf you don’t want to hear it , Don’t listen to itPioneers of Amateur Radio PodcastPumping out garbage to get the numbers up so they can get you moneyYou can start you own show cheapIt is a huge commitment for one personPretty soon Resonant Frequency will be 20 years oldSome people Second City TV would have been objectionableDifferent shows have different KB5JBVsI do this for Free, Giving back to the Amateur Radio CommunityWhen I start getting paid we can run the shows by committeeResonant Frequency started as a Land Lind BBSIt was a Newsletter in the 90’sand on the web as soon as HTML was availabilityEvil Bitches on RedditLess than 10 complaints on the website since 2006Pestilence over the landYou can’t offend me, How dare you.Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

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LHS Episode #419: The Weekender LXXIV

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #418: ARDC Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 418th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk to part of the team from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a group …

RF Podcast EP 39 Fascinating SDR

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RF Podcast EP 39 Fascinating SDR

Episode 39 Show Notes

00:00 Theme:

00:53 Intro: Condolences to the victims and their families of the recent violence at Ft. Hood.Lots of activity through the Amazon link. Thank you! Remember, Christmas is coming, so use the Amazon link on the RF site for your shopping.Tim, KI6BGE, is the second-highest donor! Thanks, Tim, for your generous donations. If you’d like to make a donation, please visit the web site and click the Donate link. Remember, if any episode has been helpful, it’s probably worth a dollar.

06:30 Feedback: Re: Episode 37Noel, WB0VGI, enjoyed the episode about space weather, and he operates a space weather web site at, from, offers to help out.John, EI7IG, offers his opinions about radio club “megalomaniacs”, and APRS.Doug, N6LMX, shares his experiences with arrogant radio club members, and his appreciation for the podcast.Bill, KA9WKA, writes to offer his experiences, good and bad, with new ham club members.

17:58 Song: “Little Red Corvette” by Mike Zito from the album “Today”

21:45 Feeback: Trevor, KE5RRR, shares his experiences with being a new ham and offers a different perspective on the hams at the radio club Richard spoke about previously.

Re: Episode 38

Nathan, NR5P, wrote to suggest a future show about class E AM transmitters, and provides links to

N0MWM wrote to offer help.

N0MWU wrote to offer his reviews of various ham radio items. You can find them on his web page

Richard wields the banhammer, and gets a response.

Don, KB2YSI, just returned to the hobby, has enjoyed the podcasts, and shares his memories of the Icom 2AT.

David, KB5YLG, reminds us of the North Central Texas Emergency Communicators’ Ham-festival (NCTECH) on November 14 in Azle, TX. For more information, visit

Eddie, KJ6CEA, just recently found the podcast, and has been listening to them all. He’s a new ham, and is preparing to upgrade to Extra. Well done, Eddie!

42:01 Song: “Booker Twine” by Pete Anderson from the album “Even Things Up”

44:53 Topic: Richard talks about the recent Belton, TX hamfest. FlexRadio was there, and Greg WD0ACD and Dudley WA5QPZ spent some time discussing software defined radios.’s dad bought a FT-107M from Royce KB5VVTHenry K5BUG (sorry about getting your call wrong in the podcast) was there with his Texas bug-catcher antennas.The Side Winders on Two (SWOT) group were there, too. also met with Dr. Woolweaver, K5RAV, Director of the West Gulf Division of ARRL

52:05 Song: “Speak No Evil” by Tinsley Ellis from the album “Speak No Evil”

57:10 Topic: Software Defined Radios (SDR). Currently only Windows and Mac, but they’re working on a Linux version.

1:13:13 Closing theme: “We Gotta Go” by David Henderson

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

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LHS Episode #417: The Gang’s All Here

Hello and welcome to Episode 417 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts are all gathered together in one place for the recording for the first …

RRA EP 38 Vibrant Club

RRA EP 38 Vibrant Club

IntroductionNew ARES UnitNew ClubSocial Media Blitz for the club and ARESFacebookTwitterMeWeTumblrRedditNew RecruitsRecruited 13 members clubRecruited 7 members ARESWorking NetsDMR SadnessWe have a TG on TGIF 75142Discord for ARES and the Club11Update on the J-pole antenna at the studioHello Cedar Creek ARCHello Garland ARCTraining up ARESOnline Club management SystemIs Your Club VibrantYour club needs to be friendly and WelcomingAcknowledge the new guysOffer activitiesHelp the OM’s acclimatizeAmateur Radio FraternityThe Division of the HAM’sAlways looking for ways to get away from everybody elseThe Dreaded 501.C3Club members are customers of the ClubClub officers are the staff of the ClubLet the Elmers teach so the new guys can learnKeep you members engagedRecruit by VERecruit by ClassesMe, Me, Me Generation has made it into Amateur RadioMe, Me, Me Generation doesn’t to be Us, Us, Us and don’t want to Help, Help, HelpLooking forward to field day a bitThanks for listening

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

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LHS Episode #416: The Weekender LXXIII

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …