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RRA EP 35 Affordable Linux

Richards Radio Adventures Episode 35 Affordable Linux

Welcome to Richard’s radio Adventure’sPimpin Resonant FrequencyBegging for helpHelpSocial media sitesShownotesEpisode researchcontributed contentand morePlease donate to the show to help cover expensesWe do not accept advertising at this timeButt hurt over feedbacknote to my listeners parked on the first pagePaypal is fixedTalking about the worlds best operating systemEnter Russ K5TUXThe windows operating system is a VIRUS!Linux historyUnixBSDGNU ProjectRichard StallmanGNU Public License GPLDinner with the KernelEnter Linus TorvaldsLinuxGUI interface 1992Can be loaded from a live CD / DVDYou can use the command line but you don’t have toMultiple desktop environmentsCompatible with most hardwareBrings old PC’s to lifeEasier to add software than WindowsSoftware for most Amateur Radio activitiesThis show has been recorded on Linux for yearsStill using the same software to record this episode on WindowsAlready Beta testedNot release it the beta test it like Windows

Great Distributions

Linux MintUbuntuFedoraCentosSuse

Go to Distrowatch for all the information on Distributions

Don’t forget to listen to their podcast Distrowatch Weekly to keep up with the newest and greatest in the world of free software

Last but not least don’t forget to drop by and say hello to Russ K5TUX at the Linux in the Ham Shack Podcast

Were out of here

Come see us at YouTube

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

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LHS Episode #408: Let’s Get Metaphysical

Hello and welcome to the 408th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss the new, upcoming YOTA contest, Pop! OS, the new …

RF Podcast EP 34 The Adaptable G5RV

RF Podcast EP 34 The Adaptable G5RV

00:00 Theme music

00:53 Intro:

Field Day has come and gone. Richard had a great time. Send us your stories!

01:55 Feedback:

Bob, K4BB, just discovered the podcasts and music, and enjoys them, though he’s not too sure about all of the music. Thanks, Bob. Remember, this is “infotainment”. 🙂

Thanks, too, to everyone following us on Twitter and other social networking sites.

Bob, WA4HRK, thought the last episode was one of the best.

The Techie Geek podcast gave us a mention. Thanks, Russ. Check out his podcast at (Out of Production)

Hacker Public Radio has also talked about us. (

05:57 Website: The web site has changed, and we’ve added an OGG feed.

If anyone wants to help with the website, show notes, audio content, or even written articles, send Richard an email at

08:48 Donations: None. Please consider donating whatever you can to the podcast. Or, if you’re buying something at Amazon, click the Amazon link at the website, as that will help out. If you have a ham radio product or service that you’d like to advertise, contact me. We’re considering running ads on the website for a fee. has a link to make a PayPal donation.

12:42 Song: “Sam Lay Shuffle” by Sam Lay And His Appaloosa All-Stars, from the album “Live on BealeStreet”.

15:08 Topic:

One of the questions that came up at Field Day was about a fellow’s dipole antenna, a G5RV. What’s the best height and does it have to be a straight, flat dipole? How does the ground affect things? Most wire antennas are a compromise in one respect or another. What about NVIS (near-vertical incident skywave)?

29:31 Song: “Ever Be Here Again” by Kelly Joe Phelps, from the album “Lead Me On (15 Year Anniversary Edition)”

33:36 Conclusion:

Thanks everyone for your mentions on blogs, sharing the podcasts, etc.Look for Resonant Frequency Live in the near future. If you’re interested in joining the show, via the chat room, or voice, please join us. Watch Twitter and the web sitesfor announcements.Send in your Field Day stories!

38:28 Closing theme

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

LHS Episode #407: The Weekender LXX

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …

LHS Episode #406: HamPi and HamPC Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to Episode 406 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we interview Dave Slotter, W3DJS, of the HamPi and HamPC projects. We learn a little …

RRA EP 34 Important Context

Richards Radio Adventures Episode 34 Important Context

In this episode we focus a little bit on some feedback we have received. The bulk of this episode has to do with a piece of feedback we received about Episode 33 where the listener totally missed the context of the episode.

Welcome everybodyRaining in TexasCo-Vid VaccinesMask are coming offGoat DNAFeedbackLooking for folks to help with the showsGnorman, Foo Dog and GaneshaLadies to do some voice over for the showGO TO THE WEBSITE CONTACT USFeedback Chris W5CTL New MexicoFeedback Tim KO4IVNDonation Tim KO4IVNFeedback #3 Mike N5RLR

Main topic rebuttle to feedback #3

Part 97Not grasping the contextWe add more ContextRichards Radio ExperienceSome Emcomm operations I was in involved withMike had a bad expereince with a RACES orgination

Richards Story Time

I have no expectationsPeople forget who’s show it iswrite the FCC at FCC.GOV Taking care of family out weighs Amateur Radio

Richards Story Time

If you are are not an ass during an Emcomm operation you will not end up in jail.

Richards Story Time

Government TechAmateur Radio Operators as backupEvery Type of Ham?

Mike, please have a tissue.

Find more Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

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LHS Episode #405: It Lives

Hello and welcome to the 405th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the zombie apocalypse–well, almost. Topics range from World Amateur Radio Day …

RRA EP 33 Definitive Job Description

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Read the job description if you are a real Amateur Radio Operator.

This episode we dive into the job description. Part 97. Along the way we revisit Rod and Flo, The window lickers of Reddit and the Freeloaders all around us in the Amateur Radio Service

Odessey of the nevermindMore personal CrapCheck out the contact information on the website www.rfpodcast.infoStill working on VideosLeave comments on the websiteHit me up for a Discord inviteWondering about listener opinion for music on Resonant FrequencyTitle 47 CFR Part 97Not “Just a hobby”Read the job description Butt HeadStudy to the testElmer, Elmer, ElmerMaterial JourneyJob DescriptionBombings, Hurricanes, Severe StormsThe Window Lickers of RedditTragic NetsGoodbye free licenseRod and Flo Cliff W5PIX the internet superstarHobby, Hobby, Hobby my ButtAmateur Radio Service not HobbyTANSTAAFLoops off topicLets dig inAmateur Radio ServiceNon-CommercialEmergency CommunicationsRod and Flo can’t hangAdvancing the Radio Art, not hobbyContesting is training for something elseeverything we do in Amateur Radio is training for something elseRules for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the Amateur radio ARTDon’t Splatter or OverattentiveHarmonics are badRichards Story TimeGuess what! The FCC can shut us downExpanding the Amateur Radio ServiceTube Rigs RockThank you Texas InstrumentsThe guys that don’t just talk and don’t get involved are just FREELOADERS!Can you Solder?Richard’s Story TimeYou are an Ambassador for Amateur RadioWe are outside of POLITICSTranscend the garbageBaofeng Radios caused the Capitol RiotWant a hobby? Build a drone.No more respect for each otherWe respect you hereRespect your fellow Amateur radio OperatorsRead the Damned Job descriptionCome visit us on DiscordGoing back to the House of Blues Woo Hoo!

Glossary of terms used on the show

Find more Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel

RF Podcast EP 33 Who’s Repeater? 2

Episode 33 Who’s Repeater? 2

00:00 Theme music

00:55 Intro:

01:20 Feedback:

Dave, W6DTW, Made a donation. Thanks!

Neil, NG5NG, likes CW and digital mode, and also made a donation. Thanks, Neil!

Stan, N7ZQT, recently found the program. He runs a simplex echo station node 146.535 in Tuscon, AZ, and would like to broadcast the Resonant Frequency program.

W5RAW, had some trouble downloading the Episode 32. There have been some changes to the web site, and that should be straightened out. Check out the new Resonant Frequency web site at

09:00 Donations: All donations are welcome, at any amount. All proceeds go directly into better equipment for the podcast. We have a new mixer and microphone, so you should hear the difference here, and atLinux in the Ham Shack.

10:54 Live Show? Richard is considering a live version of Resonant Frequency which would be a round-table discussion of amateur radio topics. If you have a microphone, perhaps with a web camera, andwould like to participate, contact Richard.

12:35 Chat room: Check out the Resonant Frequency chat room on, #resonantfrequency. There’s also a link at

14:18 Song: “Voodoo Chile” by Jean Paul Rena and Terrawheel, from the album “Can’t Be Satisfied”.

18:26 Topic: Who’s Repeater Is It Anyway?, Part II. Richard continues his discussion of what can and can’t be said on a repeater, and a warning notice issued by the FCC to an amateur that ignored the wishes of a repeater control operator. A copy of the letter can be found here:

26:35 Rant: Richard talks about the use of APRS in public service events, and how that presumes that everyone has such capability. This often excludes the newer hams that may not have all the equipment or the resources to acquire the equipment.

36:00 Song: “The Boogie Man” by Papa Don McMinn, from the album “Boogie Man”, available here:

39:03 Conclusion: Thanks to IODA Promonet for the music, and to Cheryl and Russ.

41:43 Closing theme:

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At

Glossary – See Glossary for terms used on the show.

LHS Episode #404: The Weekender LXIX

It’s time once again for The Weekender. This is our bi-weekly departure into the world of amateur radio contests, open source conventions, special events, listener challenges, hedonism and just plain …