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Resonant Frequency Relaunch Promo Version 1

This is our relaunch promo version 1. I am trying to get the various feeds to pick it up plus it will be easier to download for those that want to share it around or add it to their shows or websites. we are hoping for a successful relaunch of Resonant Frequency and appreciate your…

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Press Release Resonant Frequency Relaunch

Please post and pass this around. trying to let everybody know were back in the saddle.   Thanks     ******** Press Release ******** We are pleased to announce that thanks to more time becoming available, positive input from our listeners, and some generous donations from our listeners we will be relaunching Resonant Frequency: The…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #050: Mobile Install

Lots of feedback in this episode. We also make an announcement about the spectrum threat to the 70 cm band. We start our mobile install series and even play some music from our old buddy Brad Suck’s
Royalty-free music for professiona…

New Promo

      Here is the new promo for the relaunch of Resonant Frequency the amateur radio podcast. Please add it to your shows and if you dont have a show please share it with your friends. If you need me to email it to you just let me know at   Thanks Share…

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It’s Coming

It’s Coming. Be afraid, Be very afraid
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need 200 meters and down

As we ramp up to restarting Resonant Frequency. I am looking for a used copy of “200 Meters and down” somebody might be willing to donate to the show. You can contact me on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter or email at

LHS Episode #130: Interview with N6LMX

Today we present our first interview with one of the three Indiegogo donors who pledged an incredibly generous amount to earn a spot of honor on our very program. We have a great talk with Doug Jones, N6LMX, talking about everything from banjos to Hamvention, and from Linux to gastropods. You definitely don’t want to […]

Looking for a few new HAM’s

I am sure that the word will be out soon that we are gathering the material to produce some new episodes of Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast. I need to talk with some new HAM’s and see what interest them about Amateur Radio. Give me a yell here or Facebook or Google+. Email works…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #049: Linux in the Ham shack Mobile.

OK folks heres another one. This time we are in the mobile studio and we are talking about a cost effective method of pursuing Amateur Radio. Linux! Listen at the end for a track from Brad Suck’s album “Out of It”
Royalty-free m…

LHS Episode #129: Don’t Penetrate Me

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your mild mannered hosts discuss ham radio self-education, elmering and Hamvention. On the Linux side of things, we look at installing drivers for a Yaesu radio, and take a live look at a Debian-based distribution known as SolydX. There’s also lots of feedback, and a surprise […]