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Resonant Frequency Classic #048: RACES, D-Rats, and Feedback Oh My. Episode 48

Ok folks this is an all feedback episode we talk about RACES, D-Star and much more. We will get on with some radio stuff in the next studio episode. enjoy. Music for this episode was provided by IODA Promonet: Kirk Fletcher “Blues for Boo Boo” (mp3) from “Shades of Blue” (DELTA GROOVE PRODUCTIONS) Buy at…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #047: Whats happening update.

We are back. We are in a state of maximum backness. This episode is to get us up to speed on the doin’s at Resonant Frequency. The next will get us caught up on feedback. Then we are off to the races.
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LHS Episode #128: Interview with OK2CQR

In this episode, we have a great interview with Linux software developer and ham radio enthusiast from the Czeck Republic, Petr Hlozek – OK2CQR. He is the author of CQRlog and Unfortunately, Petr’s audio was a little hot and nothing we could do made it better. Our sincerest apologies. Sound problems aside, we hope […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #046: The Riff Raff that say Riff Raff.

The Itunes feed is still not working. This time we talk about one of my pet peeves. I hope nobody thinks I am one of the Riff Raff.
Music by the usual suspects
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LHS Episode #127: Dirty Catfish

In this episode, your intrepid hosts discuss several ham-radio related stories including operators interfering with jail communications, getting lost in strange valleys, and transmitting through a hammock. But that’s only the beginning. Thanks for tuning, and for being a valued listener of our show.

73 de The LHS Guys


LHS Episode #126: We Blinded Ourselves with Science

In this episode, we get all science crazy. Lots of fun science topics to tickle the brain are in store. Along with that, we pursue the new LTS release of Ubuntu, the disappearance of Maylasia Airlines flight MH370, and some pretty cool tunes. There’s even some ham radio content thrown in, ’cause that’s how we […]

LHS Episode #125: YFKTest Lives!

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, Pete goes AWOL. While he’s out being dishonorably discharged, Harrison and Cheryl step in to fill his medium-sized shoes. We also get an interview with Bob, W9YA, current maintainer of YFKTest. He tells us all about the new and exciting world of YFKTest and how it’s […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #045: Failed plans make for more feedback.

This Itunes feed is still down. Here is episode 45 of Resonant Frequency. We’re back in the studio for this episode. this is another all feedback episode I had planned some thing different but it didn’t work out. Music is provided courtesy of IODA Promonet: Magic Slim and the Teardrops “Do You Mean It” (mp3)…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #044: This is the club to be in.

We are still having trouble with the Itunes feed go to for older episodes. Here you go episode 44. We try to answer an email question concerning getting more folks into a local club.
Music by John Williams and 500 miles to Memphis

LHS Episode #124: Dog Boarding

Hello, folks! A couple weeks late and a dollar or two short, we’re back! In this delectable episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your intrepid hosts discuss a variety of topics from antenna safety to Linux conventions to getting your name on an asteroid. For our main discussion, we tackle a couple updates to […]