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LHS Episode #115: A Mile High and Lovin’ It

Welcome, everyone, to a special installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we catch up with two fellow podcasters and friends: Rich, KD0RG, and Brady, AC0XR of the Low SWR podcast. During the course of our interview, the guys talk about Field Day, contesting, logging software, Point Linux, HamOS, their recent home […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #033: Who’s repeater is it?

Resonant Frequency Episode 33 is here. This time we talk about “Who’s Repeater” a little more the article I was using can be found here and one of the common mistakes made by the HAMs that should be Elmering.
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LHS Episode #114: Steamed Orca Tails

They’re coming fast and furious now! After a long period of not having the time or energy to edit episodes, we’re finally getting around to pushing out the backlog. In this action-packed installment, your intrepid hosts tackle gaming on Linux using the Steam platform, accessible computing, mention a site listing more than 50 places you […]

LHS Episode #113: Eye to the QScope

Yes, that’s right: It’s another brand-new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know it’s been a while since your RSS feed has been filled with the joy of our show, but we’re back and aiming to stay on track (now that Richard is safely tucked into his cardboard box again). In this action-packed […]

LHS Episode #112: Mother Fudgsicle

Hello, dear listeners! In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, we get a visit from a long-lost friend–who quickly turns out to be kryptonite and derails the show faster than you can say, “Dallas-Fort Worth.” Amongst the hilarity and reminiscing, we manage to discuss some Linux and ham radio related news, a new […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #032: I can say what I want!

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #031: Ham Web

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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LHS Episode #111: CrunchBang on My Mind

Hello, LHS listeners! Well, we’ve had a bit of a hiatus as I found a couple of other projects that took a lot of my time. But we’re back! The episodes have been recorded on schedule, and we’re still doing them live every other Tuesday. I’ve just had a hard time getting them edited and […]

Resonant Frequency Classic #030: How Deep is your Cycle?

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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Resonant Frequency Classic #029: Gel, Lithium, and Super Het

This episode is a re-issue of the original Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast which began in 2006 as a project for Elmering new Hams by way of the Internet. Richard KB5JBV and Resonant Frequency continue to enlighten and teach new Hams today. Many of the more successful Amateur Radio Podcast today can trace their…

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