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T&L Episode 8: The Zen of FreeNAS

This episode is a recording of my talk from SELF 2011. I discuss the BSD-based FreeNAS server, focusing on version 7, from install to functionality. I believe there is a place in every home for a FreeNAS server. Have a listen to this episode to see what it can do for you. OGG File MD5SUM: …

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LHS Episode #079: Absolutely FABulous

Welcome everyone to a very special episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. This week we had the immense pleasure of talking with Fabian “Fab” Scherschel of the Linux Outlaws podcast fame. We tried not to let our man crushes get in the way of the podcast and I think we succeeded for the most […]

LHS Episode #078: Kubuntu is Bloodthirsty

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our intrepid hosts put aside idle banter, childish meandering and silly stories in favor of true content, both ham radio and Linux related. All right, that doesn’t happen even a little bit. Instead, Richard has a lot of fun telling you all the trouble he has […]

LHS Episode #077: North of the Border

Today Linux in the Ham Shack is graced with the appearance of an additional co-host: Harrison, VE2HKW, an amateur radio operator from Canada and sometimes host of the Mintcast, a podcast for Linux users from members of the Linux Mint community.

In the first segment, our hosts discuss three very useful Linux utilities for analyzing […]

Richard’s Radio Adventures 006 Show Notes

Introduction: In this episode, Richard, KB5JBV, describes his funny looking plant hanger. 🙂 Topics: Having moved to a different house in a neighborhood with antenna restrictions, Richard took on the challenge of creating a low profile ham presence. He already had 50 feet of coax, an Arrow dual-band J-pole antenna, and some military surplus fiberglass…

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RRA Episode 6: Look at that funny looking plant hanger

Here we go. I spoke about my antenna challenges back when we started RRA. This is the episode where I talk about the temporary measures are implemented. This file has been in the queue for a while. I will get on an update as soon as I get a chance.

LHS Episode #076: BIG PAPA

After our quick renumbering, we come now to Episode #076. It didn’t start out as an all-feedback episode, but that’s how it wound up. The best part is, we had such good feedback from our listeners it made an entire show. As it also happens, most of our discussion revolves around digital mode communication for […]

LHS Episode #075: Cinnamon Kool-Aid & WINE

This episode we left up to the listeners because we hadn’t had enough time to prepare some content for ourselves. While waiting for some input, Richard decided to give an impromptu review of the improvements in Gnome 3 and his assessment of the technology, and where he thinks it’s going from here. You might be […]

Richard’s Radio Adventures 005 Show Notes

Introduction: Richard, KB5JBV, discusses some training he prepared for emergency communications. But first, he raises the possibility of resurrecting Resonant Frequency, The Amateur Radio Podcast, with your financial support. Topics: Making yourself clear and understood on an emergency communications net. Some tips: Send your callsigns slowly and clearly. Use the ITU phonetic alphabet. Don’t yell…

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RRA Episode 5: Make Yourself Clear

This time on RRA I did a piece of training on the local ARES net and I figured I would share it with you. It is a basic introduction on making yourself clear and understood on an emcomm net. Pretty simple stuff but you would be surprised how many folks forget the simple stuff. It…

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