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LHS Episode #054: Unity Ucks

It’s the holiday season and we had time for one more podcast this year. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a prosperous New Year in 2011. Linux in the Ham Shack has undergone a few changes and weathered a few challenges in the last 2+ years, but we’re still going […]

LHS Episode #053: Windows in the Ham Shack?

Hello, everyone. We’re coming to the end of another year and the world is aglow with holiday spirit. With that in mind, we bring you the second-to-last episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for 2010. We will have one more recording and release before the end of the year, so don’t miss out on […]

LHS Episode #052: Amateur Fantasies

Hello, podcast listeners! It has been an extra week that you’ve had to wait for our landmark episode 50 to be released. I (Russ) had planned to do an episode from his hotel room in San Jose. Unfortunately, the network there was so bad it was impossible to record so everything was pushed back.

In […]

LHS Episode #051: Careless WSPR

A short while ago, Canonical released the latest version of Ubuntu: the fabled Maverick Meerkat, 10.10. This is the latest in Ubuntu’s normal release cycle and is not LTS. I had occasion to upgrade a couple of my personal computers running Ubuntu to the wily Meerkat. Find out what’s new in 10.10, and what’s old, […]

LHS Episode #050: Ham Radio is Dead

As I was roaming around the Intertubes, I came across an article at written by Jeff, KE9V. I had been an avid listener of Jeff’s “Cornbread Road” podcast while …

LHS Episode #049: CQRlog Revisited

Hello, everyone! Due to Cheryl having some hand surgery and my being a telecommuter for the last month or so, I haven’t been able to keep up with the podcast …

T&L Episode 6: The Origin of Open Source

This episode of the Tech & Loathing is the audio recording of my talk at Ohio Linux Fest 2010 entitled “The Origin of Open Source.”  The talk turned into a strange but, I think, interesting melange of Open Source philosophy, history, sociology and religion.  The biggest problem was the poor audio recording equipment used in a …

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LHS Episode #048: Better Late Than Never

Linux in the Ham Shack took a bit of an unintended hiatus over the last month. We’re in the process of trying to catch back up to where we’re supposed …

T&L Episode 5: You’re Driving Me Crazy

In this episode of the QSK Netcast, your hero takes his road rage into the netcast arena. With a top-ten list of bad driving buffoonery to choose from, I stand on my soapbox for an entire episode and spout off to my heart’s content. Be warned, the explicit tag on this episode means EXPLICIT.  No two …

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RFC Show Notes Episode 046

00:00 Disclaimer Richard assures us that this episode was not influenced by his recent interaction with the Dallas Amateur Radio Club. 00:58 Opening Theme “Hand-Picked” by John Williams, from the album “Long Ride Home” 01:51 Introduction Another episode recorded mobile.  One of a few recorded prior to some significant dental work. 03:02 Announcements Keep an…

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